
Posts and Staff Strengths of Zonal Chief Engineers, P.W.Dte

Public Works, 👁️ 441

Governor is pleased to notify the posts and staff strength under the new establishment of office of the Zonal Chief Engineers after restructuring of Public Works Department, Govt. of West Bengal.

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Establishment Branch

No. 70 Date: 04.03.2014


The engineering set up of different Directorates under Public Works Department has been restructured and reorganized in terms of this Deptt.’s Notf. No.66 dt. 04.03.2014.

Now, in pursuance of para ‘9’ of the said Notification Bearing No. 66 dt. 04.03.2014, the Governor is pleased to notify the posts and staff strength under the new establishment of office of the respective Chief Engineer so restructured as enclosed in Annexure I.

As a result of this restructuring, following establishments/ offices under various Directorates of P.W.Deptt. as given below shall stand abolished with their existing staff strength. However, if there is any staff on roll in those offices/ establishments, so abolished, will report to their respective Head of Directorates.

  1. Construction Circle, Special Project, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
  2. Resource Division II, P.W. Dte.
  3. Design Division, Special Project, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
  4. Survey Division, Special Project, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
  5. Quality Control Division, Special Project, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
  6. Kalijhora Sub-Division, P.W. Dte.
  7. Mechanical Sub-Division VIII, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
  8. Durgapur Mechanical Sub-Division P.W.(Roads) Dte.
  9. Kharagpur Mechanical Sub-Division, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
  10. Diamond Harbour Mechanical Sub-Division, P.W.(Roads) Dte.

Sd/- Deputy Secretary I, P.W.D.


(I) Office of the Chief Engineer, P.W.Dte, North Zone, Govt. of West Bengal

Sl No.Designation of the PostsPay Band & Grade PayStrengthPost created from
1Chief Engineer (Civil)P.B.-V, G.P.- Rs.8900/-1Post upgraded from the post of Additional Chief Engineer, Jalpaiguri, P.W.Dte. vide notification no 68 dt. 04.03.2014
2Assistant Chief Engineer (Electrical) in the rank of Superintending Engineer (Electrical)
(Presently Additional Chief Engineer (Electrical) in scale P.B.-V, G.P.-Rs.8700/-)
P.B.-IVB, G.P.- Rs.7600/-1Post created transferring the post of Additional Chief Engineer (El)- II, P.W.Dte.
3Assistant Chief Engineer (Civil) in the rank of Superintending Engineer (Civil)
(One for Planning and one for Monitoring)
P.B.-IVB, G.P.- Rs.7600/-2One post created transferring the post of Assistant Chief Engineer – IV, P.W.Dte.
Another post created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
4Superintending Architect renamed from the post of Senior ArchitectP.B.-IVB, G.P.- Rs.7600/-1Post created vide notification no. 69 dt 04.03.2014
5Executive Engineer (Civil)
(One for Planning and one for Monitoring)
P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.6600/-2One post created transferring the post of Executive Engineer-II, Coochbehar Division, P.W.Dte.
One post created transferring the post of Executive Engineer-II, Jalpaiguri Division, P.W.Dte.
6Executive Engineer (Electrical]P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.6600/-1Post created transferring the post of Executive Engineer, Electrical Monitoring Division, P.W.Dte.
7Architect renamed from the post of Senior Assistant ArchitectP.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.6600/-2Posts created vide notification no. 69 dt 04.03.2014
8Assistant Engineer (Civil)P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.5400/-3Posts created transferring the post of Leave Reserve Assistant Engineer (Civil), P.W.Dte.
9Assistant Engineer (Electrical)P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.5400/-1Posts created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
10Assistant Architect renamed from the post of Junior Assistant ArchitectP.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.5400/-4Posts created vide notification no. 69 dt 04.03.2014
11Sub-Assistant Engineer (Civil)P.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs.4400/-2Posts created transferring the posts of Sub-Assistant Engineer (Civil), from the establishment of Kalijhora Constr. Subdivision under Nagrakata Construction Division, P.W.Dte.
12Sub-Assistant Engineer (Electrical)P.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs.4400/-2One post created transferring the post of Sub-Assistant Engineer(El), from Electrical Monitoring Division, P.W.Dte.
Another post created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
13Architectural AssistantP.B.-III, G.P.- Rs.4100/-5Posts created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
14Upper Division ClerkP.B.-III, G.P.- Rs.3600/-3One post created transferring the post of Upper Division Clerk, from the establishment of Kalijhora Constr. Subdivision under Nagrakata Construction Division, P.W.Dte.
Other two posts created transferring the post of Upper Division Clerk, from the divisional establishment of Nagrakata Construction Division, P.W.Dte.
15Lower Division ClerkP.B.-III, G.P.- Rs.2600/-3One post created transferring the post of Lower Division Clerk, from the establishment of Kalijhora Constr. Subdivision under Nagrakata Construction Division, P.W.Dte.
Other two posts created transferring the post of Lower Division Clerk, from the divisional establishment of Nagrakata Construction Division, P.W.Dte.
16PeonP.B.-I, G.P.- Rs. 1700/-4Four posts created transferring the post of Peons from, the establishment of Dakshin Dinajpur PMGSY Division, P.W.Dte.

(II) Office of the Chief Engineer, P.W.Dte, West Zone, Govt. of West Bengal

Sl No.Designation of the PostsPay Band & Grade PayStrengthPost created from
1Chief Engineer (Civil)P.B.-V, G.P.- Rs.8900/-1Post upgraded from the post of Additional Chief Engineer, Health Works, P.W.Dte. vide notification no 68 dt. 04.03.2014
2Assistant Chief Engineer (Electrical) in the rank of Superintending Engineer (Electrical)P.B.-IVB, G.P.- Rs.7600/-1Post created transferring the post of Assistant Chief Engineer (El)-II, P.W.Dte.
3Assistant Chief Engineer (Civil) in the rank of Superintending Engineer (Civil)
(One for Planning and one for Monitoring)
P.B.-IVB, G.P.- Rs.7600/-2One post created transferring the post of Assistant Chief Engineer -II, P.W.Dte.
Another post created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
4Superintending Architect renamed from the post of Senior ArchitectP.B.-IVB, G.P.- Rs.7600/-1Post created vide notification no. 69 dt 04.03.2014
5Executive Engineer (Civil)
(One for Planning and one for Monitoring)
P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.6600/-2One post created transferring the post of Executive Engineer-II, Asansole Division, P.W.Dte.
One post created transferring the post of Executive Engineer-II, Kharagpur Division, P.W.Dte.
6Executive Engineer (Electrical]P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.6600/-1Post created vide notification no.67 dt. 04.03.2014
7Architect renamed from the post of Senior Assistant ArchitectP.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.6600/-2Posts created vide notification no.69 dt 04.03.2014
8Assistant Engineer (Civil)P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.5400/-3Posts created transferring the post of Leave Reserve Assistant Engineer (Civil), P.W.Dte.
9Assistant Engineer (Electrical)P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.5400/-1Posts created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
10Assistant Architect renamed from the post of Junior Assistant ArchitectP.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.5400/-4Posts created vide notification no. 69 dt 04.03.2014
11Sub-Assistant Engineer (Civil)P.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs.4400/-2Posts created transferring two of the four posts of Sub­-Assistant Engineer (Civil), from the establishment of Resource Division -II, P.W.Dte.
12Sub-Assistant Engineer (Electrical)P.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs.4400/-2Posts created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
13Architectural AssistantP.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs.4100/-5Posts created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
14Upper Division ClerkP.B.-III, G.P.- Rs.3600/-3Posts created transferring three of the four posts of 3rd Grade Clerk from the establishment of Resource Division-II, P.W.Dte.
15Lower Division ClerkP.B.-II, G.P.- Rs.2600/-3Posts created transferring three of the five posts of 4th Grade Clerk from the establishment of Resource Division-II, P.W.Dte.
16PeonP.B.-I, G.P.- Rs. 1700/-4Posts created transferring four of the six posts of regular peon from the establishment of Resource Division-II, P.W.Dte.

(III) Office of the Chief Engineer, P.W.Dte, South Zone, Govt. of West Bengal

Sl No.Designation of the PostsPay Band & Grade PayStrengthPost created from
1Chief Engineer (Civil)P.B.-V, G.P.- Rs.8900/-1Post upgraded from the post of Additional Chief Engineer, NH Wing, P.W.(Roads)Dte. vide notification no 68 dt. 04.03.2014
2Assistant Chief Engineer (Electrical) in the rank of Superintending Engineer (Electrical)
(Presently Additional Chief Engineer (Electrical)-I in scale P.B.-V, G.P.-Rs.8700/-)
P.B.-IVB, G.P.- Rs.7600/-1Post created transferring the post of Additional Chief Engineer (El)-I, P.W.Dte.
3Assistant Chief Engineer (Civil) in the rank of Superintending Engineer (Civil)
(One for Planning and one for Monitoring)
P.B.-IVB, G.P.- Rs.7600/-2One post created transferring the post of Assistant Chief Engineer -I, P.W.Dte.
Another post created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
4Superintending Architect renamed from the post of Senior ArchitectP.B.-IVB, G.P.- Rs.7600/-1Post created vide notification no. 69 dt 04.03.2014
5Executive Engineer (Civil), PlanningP.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.6600/-1Post created transferring the existing post of Executive Engineer, Resource Division- II, P.W.Dte.
6Executive Engineer (Civil), MonitoringP.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.6600/-1Post created transferring the existing post of Executive Engineer, South Suburban Division, P.W.Dte.
7Executive Engineer (Electrical], PlanningP.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.6600/-1Post created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
8Architect renamed from the post of Senior Assistant ArchitectP.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.6600/-2Posts created vide notification no. 69 dt 04.03.2014
9Assistant Engineer (Civil)P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.5400/-3Post created transferring two posts of Assistant Engineer ( c), Resource Division -II, P.W.Dte. and by transferring one post of Assistant Engineer ©, Leave reserve, P.W.Dte.
10Assistant Engineer (Electrical)P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.5400/-1Post created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
11Assistant Architect renamed from the post of Junior Assistant ArchitectP.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.5400/-4Posts created vide notification no. 69 dt 04.03.2014
12Sub-Assistant Engineer (Civil)P.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs.4400/-2Post created transferring two of the four posts of Sub­-Assistant Engineer (Civil) from the establishment of Resource Division-II, P.W.Dte.
13Sub-Assistant Engineer (Electrical)P.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs.4400/-2One post created transferring the post of Sub-Assistant Engineer (Electrical) from the establishment of Monitoring Division, P.W.(Electrical) Dte. Another post created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
14Architectural AssistantP.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs.4100/-5Posts created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
15Upper Division ClerkP.B.-III, G.P.- Rs.3600/-3Posts created transferring remaining one post of 3rd Grade Clerk from the establishment of Resource Division-II, P.W.Dte. and transferring two of the eight posts of Upper Division Clerk from the establishment of Resource Division-I, P.W.Dte.
16Lower Division ClerkP.B.-II, G.P.- Rs.2600/-3Posts created transferring remaining two posts of 4th Grade Clerk from the establishment of Resource Division-II, P.W.Dte. and transferring one of the ten posts of Lower Division Clerk from the establishment of Resource Division-I P.W.Dte.
17PeonP.B.-I, G.P.- Rs. 1700/-4Posts created transferring remaining two posts of regular peon from the establishment of Resource Division-I, P.W.Dte.

(IV) Office of the Chief Engineer, P.W.Dte, Head Quarter & Planning, Govt. of West Bengal

Sl No.Designation of the PostsPay Band & Grade PayStrengthPost created from
1Chief Engineer (Civil)
(One as Chief Engineer, Planning and one as Chief Engineer, Head Quarter)
P.B.-V, G.P.- Rs.8900/-2One post created by transferring existing post of Chief Engineer (Civil) in P.W.Dte.
Another post upgraded from the post of Additional Chief Engineer, Head Quarter, P.W.Dte. vide notification no 68 dt. 04.03.2014
2Chief Engineer (Electrical)P.B.-V, G.P.- Rs.8900/-2Post created transferring existing two posts of Chief Engineer (Electrical) from P.W.Dte.
3Assistant Chief Engineer (Civil) in the rank of Superintending Engineer (Civil)
( One as Assistant Chief Engineer, Planning, one as Assistant Chief Engineer, Monitoring and one as Assistant Chief Engineer, Cadre Management)
P.B.-IVB, G.P.- Rs.7600/-3One post created transferring existing post of the Assistant Chief Engineer III, P.W.Dte. Another post created transferring post of Superintending Engineer, Health Works, P.W.Dte. Other post created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
4Assistant Chief Engineer (Electrical) in the rank of Superintending Engineer (Electrical)P.B.-IVB, G.P.- Rs.7600/-1Post created transferring existing post of the Assistant Chief Engineer (Electrical) I in Electrical Wing, P.W.Dte.
5Executive Engineer (Civil)
(One as Executive Engineer, Planning and one as Executive Engineer, Monitoring)
P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.6600/-2Posts created transferring existing post of Executive Engineer -II, Kolkata Division, P.W.Dte. and the existing post of Executive Engineer-II, Bidhannagar Division-III, P.W.Dte.
6Executive Engineer (Electrical]P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.6600/-1Posts created converting existing post of T.A. to Addl. C.E. (El)
7Assistant Engineer (Civil)
(Three as Assistant Engineer, Planning and three as Assistant Engineer, Monitoring)
P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.5400/-6Posts created transferring existing posts of Assistant engineer (Civil), Drawing Branch and five posts of Assistant Engineer (Civil), Leave reserve, P.W.Dte.
8Assistant Engineer (Electrical)P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.5400/-2Posts created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
9Sub-Assistant Engineer (Civil)P.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs.4400/-5Posts created transferring existing five posts of Sub­-Assistant Engineer (Civil), Drawing Branch.
10Sub-Assistant Engineer (Electrical)P.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs.4400/-2Posts created transferring existing two posts of Sub­-Assistant Engineers (Electrical) working as estimators.
11Upper Division ClerkP.B.-III, G.P.- Rs.3600/-2Posts created transferring one of the five posts of Upper Division Clerk from the establishment of Planning & Monitoring Circle, P.W.Dte. and one post from the establishment of Monitoring Circle P.W. (Electrical) Dte.
12Lower Division ClerkP.B.-II, G.P.- Rs.2600/-2Posts created transferring one of the seven posts of Lower Division Clerk from the establishment of Eastern Circle, P.W.Dte. and one post from the establishment of Monitoring Division, P.W.(Electrical) Dte.
13PeonP.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs. 1700/-4Posts created transferring from the establishment of Quality Control Sub­-Division – V & VI under Midnapore Quality Control Division under P.W.(Roads) Dte.

(V) Office of the Chief Engineer, P.W.(Rds) Dte, North Zone, Govt. of West Bengal

Sl No.Designation of the PostsPay Band & Grade PayStrengthPost created from
1Chief Engineer (Civil)P.B.-V, G.P.- Rs.8900/-1Post created transferring existing post of Chief Engineer, NH World Bank Project, P.W. (Roads) Dte.
2Assistant Chief Engineer (Civil) in the rank of Superintending Engineer (Civil)
(One for Planning and one for Monitoring)
P.B.-IVB, G.P.- Rs.7600/-2One post created transferring existing post of Superintending Engineer, NH World Bank Project, P.W.(Roads) Dte. and Another post created vide notification no 67 dt. 04.03.2014.
3Executive Engineer (Civil) (One for Planning and one for Monitoring)P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.6600/-2Posts created transferring existing post of Executive Engineer, NH World Bank Project, P.W. (Roads) Dte. and Dy. P.D., P.I.U.-II, P.W. (Roads) Dte.
4Assistant Engineer (Civil)P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.5400/-3Posts created transferring existing two posts of Assistant Engineer (Civil)
5Sub-Assistant Engineer (Civil)P.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs.4400/-2Posts created transferring one post of Sub-Assistant Engineer (Civil) from the establishment of Kalijhora Construction Sub-Division under Najrakata Construction Division, P.W.Dte. and one post from the establishment of Survey Division-IV, Siliguri, P.W.(Rds)Dte.
6Upper Division ClerkP.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs.3600/-3Posts created transferring three posts of Upper Division Clerk from the establishment of Darjeeling Highway Division, P.W.(Rds)Dte.
7Lower Division ClerkP.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs.2600/-3Posts created transferring three posts of Lower Division Clerk from the establishment of Darjeeling Highway Division, P.W.(Rds) Dte.
8PeonP.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs. 1700/-3Posts created transferring three posts of Peons from the establishment of Survey Division-IV, Siliguri, P.W.(Rds)Dte.

(VI) Office of the Chief Engineer, P.W.(Rds) Dte, West Zone, Govt. of West Bengal

Sl No.Designation of the PostsPay Band & Grade PayStrengthPost created from
1Chief Engineer (Civil)P.B.-V, G.P.- Rs.8900/-1Post created transferring one existing post of Chief Engineer, Special Project, P.W.(Roads)Dte.
2Assistant Chief Engineer (Civil) in the rank of Superintending Engineer (Civil)
(One for Planning and one for Monitoring)
P.B.-IVB, G.P.- Rs.7600/-2One post created transferring one existing post of Assistant Chief Engineer, Special Project, P.W. (Roads)Dte.
Another post created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
3Executive Engineer (Civil)
(One for Planning and one for Monitoring)
P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.6600/-2One post created transferring one existing post of Executive Engineer, Quality Control, Special Project, P.W.(Roads)Dte. Another post created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
4Assistant Engineer (Civil)P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.5400/-3One post created transferring one post of Assistant Engineer (Civil), A.E. Quality Control Sub­Division V, Midnapur and one from A.E. Quality Control Sub-Division VII, Bankura, P.W.(Rds) Dte. One post created abolishing one post of Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) of Mechanical Sub-Division-VIII, P.W.(Rds) Dte.
5Sub-Assistant Engineer (Civil)P.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs.4400/-2Post created transferring two posts of Sub-Assistant Engineer (Civil) from the establishment of Design Division, Special Project, P.W.(Rds) Dte.
6Upper Division ClerkP.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs.3600/-3Post created transferring three posts of Upper Division Clerk from the establishment of Durgapur Mechanical Sub-Division, Kharagpur Mechanical Sub-Division, and Mechanical Sub-Division VIII, P.W.(Rds) Dte.
7Lower Division ClerkP.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs.2600/-3Post created transferring three posts of Lower Division Clerk from the establishment of Durgapur Mechanical Sub-Division, Kharagpur Mechanical Sub-Division, and Mechanical Sub-Division VIII, P.W.(Rds) Dte.
8PeonP.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs. 1700/-4Post created transferring four posts of Peons from the establishment of Durgapur Mechanical Sub-Division, Kharagpur Mechanical Sub-Division, P.W.(Rds) Dte.

(VII) Office of the Chief Engineer, P.W.(Rds) Dte, South Zone, Govt. of West Bengal

Sl No.Designation of the PostsPay Band & Grade PayStrengthPost created from
1Chief Engineer (Civil)P.B.-V, G.P.- Rs.8900/-1Post upgraded from the post of Additional Chief Engineer, NH Wing, P.W(Roads)Dte vide notification no 68 dt. 04.03.2014
2Assistant Chief Engineer (Civil) in the rank of Superintending Engineer (Civil)
(One for Planning and one for Monitoring)
P.B.-IVB, G.P.- Rs.7600/-2One post created transferring existing post of Assistant Chief Engineer-I, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
Another post created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
3Executive Engineer (Civil)
(One for Planning and one for Monitoring)
P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.6600/-2One post created transferring existing post of Executive Engineer, Survey Division, Special Project, P.W.(Roads) Dte. Another post created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
4Assistant Engineer (Civil)P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.5400/-3One post created abolishing one existing post of Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) of Durgapur Mechanical Subdivision, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
Two posts created transferring one existing post of Assistant Engineer (Civil) from the establishment of Survey Division, Special Project and another existing post of Assistant Engineer form the establishment of Bridge Planning Circle, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
5Sub-Assistant Engineer (Civil)P.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs.4400/-2Posts created transferring two posts of Sub-Assistant engineer (Civil) from the establishment of Survey Division, Special Project, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
6Upper Division ClerkP.B.-III, G.P.- Rs.3600/-3Posts created by transferring two posts of Upper Division Clerk from the establishment of Survey Division, Special Project, P.W.(Roads) Dte. and one post from the establishment of Diamond Harbour Mechanical Sub­-Division, P.W.(Roads)Dte.
7Lower Division ClerkP.B.-II, G.P.- Rs.2600/-3Posts created transferring two posts of Lower Division Clerk from the establishment of Survey Division, Special Project, P.W.(Roads)Dte. and one post from the establishment of Diamond Harbour Mechanical Sub­-Division, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
8PeonP.B.-I, G.P.- Rs. 1700/-4Posts created transferring four psots of Peons from the establishment of Survey Division, Special Project, P.W.(Roads) Dte.

(VIII) Office of the Chief Engineer, P.W.(Rds) Dte, National Highway Wing, Govt. of West Bengal

Sl No.Designation of the PostsPay Band & Grade PayStrengthPost created from
1Chief Engineer (Civil)P.B.-V, G.P.- Rs.8900/-1Post created transferring one existing post of Chief Engineer, N.H.Wing, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
2Assistant Chief Engineer (Civil) in the rank of Superintending Engineer (Civil)P.B.-IVB, G.P.- Rs.7600/-2One post created transferring one existing post of Assistant Chief Engineer II, P.W.(Roads) Dte. and another post created transferring one existing post of Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Special Project, P.W. (Roads) Dte.
3Executive Engineer (Civil)P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.6600/-1Post created transferring the existing post of TA to Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Special Project, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
4Assistant Engineer (Civil)P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.5400/-2Post created abolishing the post of Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) of Diamond Harbour Mechanical Sub­-Division, P.W.(Roads) Dte. and one post of Assistant Engineer (Civil), from the establishment of Bridge Planning Circle, P.W. (Roads) Dte.
5Sub-Assistant Engineer (Civil)P.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs.4400/-3Posts created transferring one of the four posts of Sub-Assistant Engineer (Civil), Monitoring Cell, P.W.(Roads) Dte. and two posts of SAE from the establishment of Construction Circle, Special Project, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
6Upper Division ClerkP.B.-III, G.P.- Rs.3600/-3Posts created transferring three posts of Upper Division Clerk from the establishment of Construction Circle, Special Project, P.W. (Roads)Dte.
7Lower Division ClerkP.B.-II, G.P.- Rs.2600/-3Posts created transferring three posts of Lower Division Clerk from the establishment of Construction Circle, Special Project, P.W. (Roads)Dte.
8PeonP.B.-I, G.P.- Rs. 1700/-4Posts created transferring four posts of Peon from the establishment of Construction Circle, Special Project, P.W. (Roads)Dte.

(IX) Office of the Chief Engineer, P.W.(Roads) Dte, Head Quarter & Planning, Govt. of West Bengal

Sl No.Designation of the PostsPay Band & Grade PayStrengthPost created from
1Chief Engineer (Civil)
(One as Chief Engineer, Planning and one as Chief Engineer, Head Quarter)
P.B.-V, G.P.- Rs.8900/-2One post created transferring the existing post of Chief Engineer, P.W.(Roads) Dte. and another post created transferring the existing post of Chief Engineer, P & QA, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
2Assistant Chief Engineer (Civil) in the rank of Superintending Engineer (Civil)
( One as Assistant Chief Engineer, Planning, one as Assistant Chief Engineer, Monitoring and one as Assistant Chief Engineer, Cadre Management)
P.B.-IVB, G.P.- Rs.7600/-3One post created transferring the existing post of Assistant Chief Engineer III.
Another post from the existing post of Superintending Engineer, Monitoring Cell, P.W. (Roads) Dte.
Other post created vide notification no. 67 dt. 04.03.2014
3Executive Engineer (Civil)
(One as Executive Engineer, Planning and one as Executive Engineer, Monitoring)
P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.6600/-2One post created transferring the existing post of Resource Officer in the rank of Executive Engineer (Civil)
Another post created transferring the existing post of Executive Engineer, Design Division, Special Project, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
4Assistant Engineer (Civil)
(Three as Assistant Engineer, Planning and three as Assistant Engineer, Monitoring)
P.B.-IVA, G.P.- Rs.5400/-6Three posts created transferring the existing three posts of Assistant Engineer (Civil), Monitoring Cell, P.W. (Roads) Dte.
Other three posts created transferring the existing three posts of Assistant Engineer (Civil) from the establishment of Bridge Planning Circle, P.W. (Roads)Dte.
5Sub-Assistant Engineer (Civil)P.B.-IV, G.P.- Rs.4400/-3Posts created transferring the existing three posts of Sub-Assistant Engineer (Civil), Monitoring Cell, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
6Upper Division ClerkP.B.-III, G.P.- Rs.3600/-2Posts created transferring the existing two posts of Upper Division Clerk from the establishment of Design Division, Special Project, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
7Lower Division ClerkP.B.-II, G.P.- Rs.2600/-2Posts created transferring the existing two posts of Lower Division Clerk from the establishment of Design Division, Special Project, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
8PeonP.B.-I, G.P.- Rs. 1700/-5Four posts created transferring the existing four posts of Lower Division Clerk from the establishment of Design Division, Special Project, P.W.(Roads) Dte.
One post created transferring the existing post from the establishment of Mechanical Sub-Division VIII, P.W.(Roads) Dte.

No. 70 dated 04.03.2014

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