
Primary Teacher Eligibility Test 2014 – Further Guidelines

School Education,

Details regarding the application procedure, eligibility, time, venue, fees etc. for the candidates who applied for Teacher Eligibility Test, 2012.

A.P.C. Bhavan, DK-7/1, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700 091


Details regarding the application procedure, eligibility, time, venue, fees etc. for the candidates who applied for Teacher Eligibility Test, 2012

In continuation of our Notification, published on 19.02.2014, details regarding the application procedure, eligibility, time, venue, fees ets. are hereby further notified for the candidates who applied for TET, 2012 and are willing to appear at the TET-2014.

Qualification: Same as notified for TET, 2012, (Vide Notification No. F. No. 61 -03/20/NCTE/(N&S) dated 23.08.2010 of NCTE, MHRD-Memo No. S.O. 1352(E) dtd. 01.06.2011 & MHRD-Memo No. F.No.1-17/2010-EE-4, Dated 10th October, 2011).

Time: 90 minutes: For 150 MCQ [30 x 5 subjects]

Duration: 1.00 p.m – 2.30 p.m;

Venue: Same as allotted for TET, 2012;

Fees: Without fees;

The TET, 2014 will be conducted by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education and the Board shall issue a TET Pass Certificate (period of validity will be declared in due course) which will be one of the minimum eligibility criteria for application for recruitment to the post of Primary School Teachers in terms of the appointment notification to be published by the appropriate authority, in such schools as are described in the clause ‘n’ of Section-2 of the RFCE Act, 2009. As per NCTE Guidelines vide No. 76-4/2010/NCTE/Acad dated 11.02.2011 (9b), the TET pass candidates will not acquire any claim for appointment as Primary School Teachers. Relevant Guidelines and G.O.No. 146-SE(EE)/10M-6/2009 dtd. 06.02.2014 are available in the website www.wbsed.gov.in.

The candidates who have lost their original Admit Cards for TET, 2012 and have no photocopies with them will follow the instructions to be notified in due course.

Those who have lost their original Admit Cards for TET, 2012, but have photocopies and FIR receipt with them will meet the Chairpersons of the concerned District Primary School Council with FIR receipt in original, photocopies of the Admit Card for TET, 2012 and two copies of passport size photograph for having fresh Admit Card, the same Roll No. and the same venue allotment.

Application Procedure: The candidates are required to enter into the website www.wbresults.nic.in and to press nine digit Roll No. Thereafter, they are to give certain information compulsorily. After that they will get an Acknowledgement Receipt which is a token of confirmation of acceptance of his/her candidature and allotment of venues for TET, 2014. In all such cases their Roll Nos. the venue of Examination and the documents, particulars, testimonials and declarations in support of candidature will remain the same.

It is compulsory for all such candidates to have a print out of the Acknowledgement Receipt and keep the same carefully till the publication of the result and photocopy of the same be submitted at the examination hall.

The last date for confirmation: 04-03-2014

In case of failure to get details about venue/centre after pressing in the Roll/Form No., a candidate should bring the matter to the notice of the concerned District Primary School Council.

All such measures are subject to the orders of the Hon’ble High Court, Kolkata/Supreme Court of India.

Sd/- Secretary

Date: 25.02.2014


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