
Printing of Grammar and Text Books for Class X – Guideline

School Education,

Private Publishers will procure the concerned syllabus of class X after depositing Rs. 70/- per copy in Cash Section of Nivedita Bhavan, WBBSE on and from 10.06.2015 to 25.06.2015.


No: 94/Admin/15 Date: 09.06.2015


It is hereby notified that as per decision adopted in the Board’s Text Book Committee meeting dt. 08.06.2015, the Private Publishers will be entrusted with the preparation/development and printing of undernoted grammar and text books for class X according to the Board-prescribed new Syllabus, for the academic year 2016.

The name of books with version to be developed and printed

  1. Bengali Grammar X for 1st language Bengali Text.
  2. Bengali Grammar X for 2nd language Bengali Text.
  3. History and Environment X in Bengali, English, Hindi, Urdu & Nepali version.
  4. Geography and Environment X in Bengali, English, Hindi, Urdu & Nepali version.
  5. Physical Science and Environment X in Bengali, English, Hindi, Urdu & Nepali version.
  6. Life Science and Environmental X in Bengali, English, Hindi, Urdu & Nepali version.

In this connection the willing Private Publishers are being requested to follow the directives noted hereinafter –

  1. That the Private Publishers will prepare/develop and print the above noted books for class X according to the Board-prescribed new Syllabus for the academic year 2016.
  2. That they will procure the concerned syllabus of class X after depositing Rs. 70/- per copy in Cash Section of Nivedita Bhavan, W.B.B.S.E. on and from 10th June, 2015 to 25th June, 2015.
  3. That they will have to submit three copies of printed draft within 31st July, 2015 to the Academic Section of the Board. After submission of the books, the Experts of the Board will examine and correct the same if necessary within 31st August, 2015 and the concerned publishers may collect the corrected draft books on or after 31st August, 2015 from the Academic Section of the Board. The concerned publishers will have to submit three copies of draft books duly corrected by them as per suggestions/recommendation of the Experts, to the Academic Section of the Board within 15th September, 2015 for necessary verification. If any discrepancy found on verification, then the books may be returned back again to the concerned Publishers on or after 30 September, 2015 and necessary corrections have to be made and the books corrected in all respect will have to be submitted by the Publishers within 9th October, 2015. Finally, if it is found that the books are in order in all respect then the T.B. No. of the approved books will be allotted on and from 31st 0ctober, 2015.
  4. The price of the Text Books will be determined on pro-rata basis on page no. of the books considering the base price of Class – IX books which have been published by the Private Publishers in the year 2015 and that will be binding to concerned Private Publishers.
  5. A fee of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand) only will have to be submitted to the Board’s cash section at Nivedita Bhavan for each and every title of Book at the time of submitting the draft book(s) on or before 31.07.2015, through a Bank Draft in favour of R.B.I. A/C Kolkata for necessary correction and subsequent verification.
  6. That they will have to abide by all the instructions and conditions as laid in the “Book Submission form” which has to be submitted with the book.
  7. That one “Submission Form” is to be used for each title of Book and the “Submission Form” will be available from the Board’s cash section at Nivedita Bhavan on cash payment of Rs. 20/- per copy.
  8. That the decision of the Board regarding approval of the book(s) and awarding T.B. No. in favour of the book(s) is final.
  9. That the Board is not liable to show the reason of rejection of Book(s) if any.

Sd/- Kalyanmoy Ganguly

No. 94/Admin dated 09.06.2015

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