
Procedure to be followed by DDOs of Newly created Departments

Finance, , , 👁️ 286

Existing DDOs of erstwhile departments shall continue to function as such up to 31.03.2017 with respect to all bills except pay bill for the month of March, 2017.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 51-F(Y) Dated: 3rd January, 2017


Subject: Procedure to be followed by DDOs of newly created departments.

In pursuance of creation of 10 new departments after merging 21 erstwhile departments of the Government, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that the functioning of the drawing and disbursing officers of the 21 erstwhile departments and 10 newly created departments will be dealt with as under.

1. As the Financial year ending is just 3 months away, existing DDOs of erstwhile departments shall continue to function as such up to 31.03.2017 with respect to all bills except pay bill for the month of March, 2017.

2. After 31.03.2017, the drawing and disbursing function of the 10 new departments may be done in the following manner:

Sl NoName of erstwhile departmentsName of the new DepartmentProposed DDO function to be done from 01.04.2017
11. Home Dept
2. Dept of Hill Affairs
Home & Hill Affairs DepartmentThe existing DDO of the Home Dept will function as DDO of the new Department using his DDO Code
21. Dept of Youth Services
2. Dept of Sports
Dept of Youth Services and SportsThe existing DDO of the Youth Services Dept will function as DDO of the new Department using his DDO Code
31. Dept of L&LR
2. Dept of RRR
Dept of LLR & RRRThe existing DDO of the L&LR Dept will function as DDO of the new Department using his DDO Code
41. Dept ofWD&SW
2. Dept of Child Dev
Dept of Women & Child Development and Social WelfareThe existing DDO of the WD&SW will function as DDO of the new Department using his DDO Code
5.1. Dept of Disaster Mgt
2. Dept of Civil Defence
Dept of Disaster Management and Civil DefenceThe existing DDO of the Disaster Management Dept will function as DDO of the new Department using his DDO Code
6.1. Dept of Higher Edn
2. Dept of Science & Tech
3. Dept of Biotechnology
Dept of Higher Education, Science & Technology and BiotechnologyThe existing DDO of the Higher Education Dept will function as DDO of the new Department using his DDO Code
7.1. Dept of Urban Dev.
2. Dept of Municipal Affairs
Dept of Urban Dev. And Municipal AffairsThe existing DDO of the Urban Development Dept will function as DDO of the new Department using his DDO Code
8.1. Dept of Planning
2. Dept of Statistics & PI
Dept of Planning, Statistics & Programme monitoringThe existing DDO of the Plannning Dept will function as DDO of the new Department using his DDO Code
9.1. Dept of Finance
2. Dept of Excise
Dept of FinanceThe existing DDO of the Finance Dept will function as DDO of the new Department using his DDO Code
10.1. Dept of PE & IR
2. Dept of Commerce & Industries
Dept of Large Industries & EnterprisesThe existing DDO of the Commerce & Industries will function as DDO of the new Department using his DDO Code

3. On 1st April, 2017 only the DDOs mentioned in the column 4 in the Table given above will continue to be functioning as a regular DDO of the entire newly created Department. The charge of the rest of the DDOs of the erstwhile Departments noted at Column 2 will required to be handed over to the continuing DDOs as mentioned above, after due observance of all rules and procedure in this regard.

4 All DDOs, as they are existing now, in the newly created Departments shall draw the pay bills up to the month of February, 2017 only following the usual procedure.

5. Pay bill for the month of March, 2017 may be generated by the new DDO (as mentioned in column (4) above) in the month of April, 2017 after incorporating the new HOA as per budget provision of 2017-18. However, before preparation of Salary bill of March, 2017 under new DDO code all existing employee of erstwhile department shall be transferred to the new DDO through e-Pradan & HRMS module. Employee transfer and accept request/ Release & LPC in & out process must be completed within 5th April 2017.

6. All employee related claims up to March, 2017 shall be drawn and cleared by existing DDO of the erstwhile department well in advance within 27.03.2017 and no bill for employee related claim shall be kept pending after that.

7. All failed transactions lying in the old DDO Code shall require to be settled latest by 31st March, 2017.

8. DDO of erstwhile departments shall take steps for submission of adjustment bill for unadjusted advances preferably by 31st March, 2017. Any unadjusted advance lying on 31st March, 2017 will be adjusted by DDO of new department.

9. Any amount of permanent advances lying in the old DDO Code either be exhausted or to be refunded to the Government under appropriate head of account by 31st March, 2017.

10. Cash book of old department shall be closed mandatorily as on 31st March, 2017 after proper cash analysis. Undisbursed cash/ Cheque either to be disbursed to the payees or to be refunded to the Government account following the existing rule. Instead of aforesaid attempts, if any cash still remains undisbursed shall have to be carried forwarded in the Cash Book of the new Department /DDO. Accordingly the cash book shall require to be drawn up.

11. DTA/ Treasury/ PAO shall de-activate the old DDO code from system w.e.f. 01.04.2017.

12. Finance Department shall de-activate the existing login of the old department for allotting fund as on 01.04.2017.

13. Existing DDO shall make the charge hand-over/ take over process with the new DDO following the existing rules and orders on 31.03.2017 or 01.04.2017.

14. Service provider master for BSNL/CESC/WBSEDCL bill payment of Old DDO will be taken care of by the system w.e.f. 01.04.2017.

15. W.e.f 1st April, 2017 the post of DDO of erstwhile department other than mentioned in column (4) will cease to exist.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 51-F dated 03.01.2017, Source

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