Higher Education, Incentive Scheme đī¸ 1739
Procedure to be followed by the incumbent and the college regarding grant of incentives for Ph.D/ M.Phil and other higher qualifications to the teachers.
Government of West Bengal
Education Directorate
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake City
Memo No. 986-ED/2016 Dated, 24th November, 2016
In order to implement Memorandum No. 892-End(U)/1U-79/13 dated 04.11.2016 and Corrigendum No. 896-End(U)/1U-79/13 dated 08.11.2016, regarding grant of incentives for Ph.D/ M.Phil and other higher qualifications (OHQ) to the teachers, following procedure is to be followed by the incumbent and the college:
1. For Govt. Aided/ Sponsored Colleges:
A proposal along with following documents is to be submitted to the Director of Public Instruction, Govt. of West Bengal.
(a) First Pay Fixation memo;
(b) Revised Fixation memos regarding revision of Pay Scale and CAS;
(c) Non-Drawal Certificate from the Principal/TIC;
(d) Non-Drawal Certificate from Principal/TIC of all previous colleges, in case of change of College;
(e) Certificate of Ph.D/M.Phil Degree and OHQ (whichever is applicable) and Provisional Certificate from the Appropriate Authority of Ph.D/M.Phil Degree and OHQ awarding University mentioning date of award of Ph.D/M.Phil Degree and /OHQ, in case the date of award is not mentioned in the Certificate of Ph.D/M.Phil Degree and OHQ;
(f) Relevance Certificate from the Ph.D/M.Phil Degree awarding University, in case the Ph.D/M.Phil Degree is not in the core subject of the incumbent in which initial appointment was given;
(g) Resolution of Governing Body (GB) recommending grant of incentives in favour of the incumbent. Resolution of GB by Circulation will not be entertained;
(h) Proposed fixation taking due incentives into consideration.
2. For Government Colleges:
(a) Appointment Letter;
(b) Joining Report;
(c) Fixation, Revised Fixation memos regarding revision of Pay Scale and CAS, if any;
(d) Non-Drawal Certificate from the Principal/OIC/Office;
(e) Non-Drawal Certificate from Principal/OIC/DDO of all previous Colleges/Offices, in case of change of College;
(f) Certificate of Ph.D/M.Phil Degree/OHQ (whichever is applicable), and Provisional Certificate from the Appropriate Authority of Ph.D/M.Phil Degree and OHQ awarding University, mentioning date of award of Ph.D/M.Phil Degree and /OHQ in case the date of award is not mentioned in the Ph.D/M.Phil Degree and OHQ Certificate;
(g) Relevance Certificate from the Ph.D/M.Phil Degree awarding University, in case the Ph.D/M.Phil Degree is not in the core subject/discipline of the incumbent in which his/her initial appointment was given.
3. Whom to apply:
(a) In case of Govt. Aided/ Sponsored Colleges:
The Principal/TIC will forward the application of the incumbent alongwith all documents mentioned under clause 1, above to the Director of Public Instruction for re-fixation and re-fixation may be made by the Office of Director of Public Instruction. West Bengal considering the proposal and eligibility of the incumbents.
(b) In case of Govt. Colleges:
The incumbents will submit the prayer to the Principal/OIC of the College along with all documents mentioned under clause 2 above, and the Principal/OIC will process the claim of the teachers and re-fixation may be made following their eligibility.
4. Other Higher Qualification (OHQ) means and includes:
LL.M (Master of Laws), M. Tech (Master of Technology), M. Arch (Master of Architect), M.E (Master of Engineering), M.V.Sc. (Master of Veterinary Science), M. D (Doctor of Medicine).
5. Illustrations for fixation:
Advance increments, on acquiring Ph.D/M.Phil Degree and OHQ shall be calculated on non-compounded basis but will be merged with the Basic Pay (Pay in the Pay Band+AGP)
For Example:
(a) If a candidate is appointed as an Assistant Professor during 01.01.2006 to 31.08.2008 in the service with Ph.D/ M.Phil Degree, the calculation of 4/2 non-compounded increments admissible to him/her may be guided by sl. no.(i) below.
(b) If a candidate has been awarded Ph.D Degree during 01.01.2006 to 31.08.2008 while in service after three years of his/her joining the service as Assistant Professor and serving with three annual increments on the day of award of Ph.D Degree, the calculation of 2 non-compounded increments admissible to him/her may be guided by sl. no.(ii) below.
(c) If a candidate is appointed as an Assistant Professor on and after 01.09.2008 in the Pay Band of Rs. 15600-39100+AGP of Rs. 6000/- with Ph D Degree, the calculation of 5 non-compounded increments admissible to him/her may be guided by sl. no. (iii) below.
Incumbent joined with or acquired Ph.D/M.Phil Degree during 01.01.2006 to 31.08.2008
Sl. No | Degree | Pay in the Pay Band (PB) | Academic Grade Pay (AGP) | Basic Pay | No. of Increments @ 3% (i.e. Rs. 648 R/O to Rs. 650 in case of entry level) of Basic Pay Admissible | Total Basic = 1+6+AGP |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
(i) | Ph.D (Entry Level) M.Phil (Entry Level) | 15600 15600 | 6000 6000 | 21600 21600 | 4 X 3% of Col.5=648 4 X 650 = 2600 2X3% of Col.5=648 2 X 650 = 1300 | 15600+2600 +AGP 15600+1300 +AGP |
(ii) | Ph.D (In Service) | 15910 | 6000 | 22420 | 2 X 3% of Col.5=672.6 2 X 680= 1360 | 15600+1360 +AGP |
Incumbent joined with or acquired Ph.D/M.Phil Degree on and after 01.09.2008
Sl. No | Degree | Pay in the Pay Band (PB) | Academic Grade Pay (AGP) | Basic Pay | No. of Increments @ 3% (i.e. Rs. 648 R/O to Rs. 650 in case of entry level) of Basic Pay Admissible | Total Basic = 1+6+AGP |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
(iii) | Ph D (Entry Level) | 15600 | 6000 | 21600 | 5 X 3% of Col.5=648 5 X 650 = 3250 | 15600+3250 +AGP |
(iv) | Ph. D (In Service) | 18020 | 6000 | 24020 | 3 X 3% of Col.5=720.8 3 X 730 = 2190 | 18020+2190 +AGP |
(v) | M. Phil/ LL.M/ M.Tech etc. (Entry Level) | 15600 | 6000 | 21600 | 2 X 3% of Col.5=648 2 X 650= 1300 | 15600+1300 +AGP |
(vi) | M.Phil/ LL.M/ M.Tech etc. (In Service) | 18020 | 6000 | 24020 | 1 X 3%ofCol.5 = 720.8 1 X 730 = 730 | 15600+730 +AGP |
(d) If a candidate has been awarded Ph.D Degree while in service after three years of his/her joining the service as Assistant Professor and serving with three annual increments on the day of award of Ph.D Degree, the calculation of 3 non-compounded increments admissible to him/her may be guided by sl. no.(iv) below:
(e) If a candidate is appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Pay Band of Rs. 15600-39100+AGP of Rs. 6000/ with M.Phil Degree or Other higher qualifications such as LL.M./M.Tech./M.Arch./M.E./M.V.Sc. and M.D. Degree, the calculation of 2 non-compounded increments admissible to him/her may be guided by sl. no. (v) below.
(f) If a candidate has been awarded M.Phil Degree or Other higher qualifications such as LL.M./M.Tech./M.Arch./ M.E./M.V.Sc. and M.D Degree after three years of his/her joining the service and serving with three annual increments on the day of award of degree of M.Phil and OHQ, the calculation of 1 non-compounded increment admissible to him/her may be guided by sl. no. (vi) below.
Sd/- Jayasri Raychaudhuri
Director of Public Instruction
Govt. of West Bengal