Bond for Doctors undergoing Post Graduate and Post Doctoral Courses

Government of West Bengal
Department of Health & Family Welfare
“Swasthya Bhawan” Block- G.N.-29 Sector-V
Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 091

No. HF/O/MERT/319/ME/MISC-78-13 Dated: 21.03.2014

From: The Director of Medical Education& Ex-officio Secretary, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal

To: 1. The Director of Health Service, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal;
2. Director, _____________ (all medical teaching institutions);
2. Principal, _____________ (all medical teaching institutions);
2. Dean, _____________ (all medical teaching institutions);
5. Controller of Examinations, West Bengal University of Health Sciences, DD-36, Salt Lake City, Sector-I, Kolkata – 700064

Subject: Implementation of Bond for Doctors (other than Government Sponsored In service candidates) undergoing Post Graduate and Post Doctoral Courses.


It has been decided that Doctors, after completion of their Post Graduate and Post Doctoral Courses in State Medical Teaching Institutions in West Bengal, will work in multispecility/ Superspeciality Hospitals, Secondary & Tertiary level Hospitals in West Bengal for a period of one year to serve the rural people vide notification no. HF/O/MERT/912/ME/MISC-78-13 dated 31st July, 2013.

I am directed to forward herewith the Proforma of Bond for such Doctors (other than Government Sponsored In service candidates – who have separate bond) undergoing Post Graduate and Post Doctoral Courses.

Annexure: Proforma of Bond

Sd/- Director of Medical Education
& Ex. Officio Secretary

Annexure to memo No. HF/O/MERT/319/ME/MISC-78-13 Dated Kolkata the 21st March, 2014


Allow all men by these present that we, _____________, _____________, son of _____________ residing at _____________ (hereinafter called the student), at present undergoing _____________ (name of the course) under the West Bengal University of Health Sciences at _____________ (Name of the Medical Teaching Institution), Government of West Bengal, _____________ (name of surety-1), son of _____________ residing at _____________ and _____________ (name of surety-2), son of _____________ residing at _____________ (hereinafter called the sureties) and do hereby jointly and severally are held and firmly bound to the Govt. of West Bengal (hereinafter called the “Government”) in the sum of Rs. 10 Lakhs (Rupees ten lakhs) per year for which payment to be well and truly made, we bound ourselves, our respective heirs, executors, administrators, representatives and assigners jointly and severally to the Governor of West Bengal.

Whereas the above Bounden _____________ (name of student) is _____________ prosecuting postgraduate/ postdoctoral course in Medical Teaching Institutions run by the Government of West Bengal;

And whereas the Governor of West Bengal have allowed the said _____________ (student) to undergo training in _____________ (name of the course) and have placed the said Dr. _____________ on training in the postgraduate/ post-doctoral course, as aforesaid, for the period of _____________ years with effect from _____________ subject to certain terms and conditions hereinafter expressed namely that in case:- I the said Dr. _____________ (name of student) fail and neglect to complete the training/ studies as aforesaid or fail to continue to join the service under the Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal (hereinafter reference to as the “Government”) on completion of the training/studies in question for the period of_____________ years, I, the said Dr. _____________ (student), _____________ (name of surety-1) and (name of surety-2) and such sureties in spite of time being given by the Govt. or by any forbearance or act or admission authorized by it [where there without notice to or consent or knowledge of us the said _____________ (Surety-1) and, _____________ (surety-2) shall forthwith pay to the Governor or the Govt. the said sum of Rs. 10 Lakhs (Rupees ten Lakhs) with interest thereon at the Govt. loans for the time being in force from the date of demand made by the Govt. for payment of the same].

Now the condition of the above written obligation is that in the event of the above bounded student Dr. _____________ (name of student) after completing his training/studies or expiry or termination of the period of training for the period of _____________ years, fails to serve in rural areas in the Department of Health & Family Welfare or in default thereof, the said Dr. _____________ (Student), _____________ (name of surity-1) and (name of surety-2) shall pay to Govt. the sum of Rs. 10 Lakhs (Rupees ten Lakhs) with interest thereon at the Govt. rate of interest of Govt. loans for the time being in force from the date of demand then and in that event the above written Bond obligation shall be void and in operative or otherwise the same shall remain in full force and virtue.

Provided always that any time given or opportunity offered by the Govt. to the said Dr. _____________ (name of student) to fulfill and observe the terms and conditions on his part with or without notices to the said sureties _____________ (name of surety-1) and _____________ (name of surety-2) shall not relieve them or their obligations under these present and their liability and obligations shall continue till all the terms and conditions herein before contained are fully observed and performed.

The Government of West Bengal has agreed to bear the stamp duty payable on this bond.

In witness whereof we the said _____________ (name of surety-1) and _____________ (name of surety-2) have set and subscribed our respective hands here do this _____________ day of _____________ two thousand _____________ (signature of the student) _____________ (Name of the student & Date)

Signed and delivered by the above bounded in the presence of
_____________ (signature of witness)
_____________ (name )
_____________ (Address)

Signed and delivered by the sureties
_____________ (Signature & name of surety-1)
_____________ (Address)

_____________ (Signature & name of surety-2)
_____________ (Address)
in the presence of _____________ (signature of the witness with date)

For official use only:

Accepted for and on behalf of the Governor of West Bengal
by the Principal/ Director, _____________ (Medical College), Deptt. of Health, W.B

No. HF/O/MERT/319/ME/MISC-78-13 dated 21.03.2014, Source

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