
Re-Employment of Part Time Teachers/ Guest Lecturers

Higher Education, , , 👁️ 253

The existing superannuated full time teachers serving as a) Part Time Teachers b) Guest Lecturers c) Part Time Teachers may be engaged in the concerned colleges on term basis for one year.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Higher Education, Science & Technology and Bio-Technology
College Sponsored Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091

No. 819-Edn(CS)/4A-11/2017 Dated, Kolkata the 25th July, 2017.


In continuation of this Department’s Memo No. 1204-Edn (A)/10M-01/11 dated 24.12.2013 and Memo No. 969-Edn(CS)/10M-31/10, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that the existing superannuated full time teachers serving as

a) Part Time Teachers in Government Colleges
b) Guest Lecturers in Government Colleges
c) Part Time Teachers in Government aided Colleges

may be engaged in the concerned colleges on term basis for one year subject to renewal by the college authority till attainment of the age of 65 (sixty five) years with prior approval of the State Government.

This will take immediate effect.

Sd/- M Ray
Secretary to the
Govt of West Bengal

No. 819-Edn dated 25.07.2017, Source

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