Re-Tender Procedure of West Bengal Government
It is felt necessary to prescribe the re-tender procedure and number of times it may be resorted to in case of the number of qualified bidders falling below three.
It is felt necessary to prescribe the re-tender procedure and number of times it may be resorted to in case of the number of qualified bidders falling below three.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 9754-F(Y), Dated: 03.12.2012
Laying down the procedure of re-tender has been engaging attention of the Government for some time past since the existing Tender rule of the State Government does not stipulate any such procedure. Various Government Departments and offices are frequently enquiring about the same. In these circumstances, it is felt necessary to prescribe the re-tender procedure and number of times it may be resorted to in case of the number of qualified bidders falling below three. Now, therefore, the Governor is pleased to prescribe the following procedure of re-tender :
1. If the response to Tender (including e-Tender) is less than three, then Tender should be invited afresh in terms of note 1 below rule 47(8) of West Bengal Financial Rules as amended by this department notification no. 5400-F(Y) dt. 25.6.2012. Such Re-Tender notice shall be published in widely circulated dailies for conventional ‘Notice Inviting Tender’ (NIT) and also through e-Tender portal in case of e-Tender. Prior to invitation of Re-Tender or fresh Tender the eligibility criteria and other terms & conditions as contained in the first ‘Notice Inviting Tender’ shall have to be reviewed by the Tender Inviting Authority to ascertain whether (i) it was too much restrictive, say, specifications and qualifications were fixed at higher standard than required, (ii) advertisements in the widely circulated Newspapers were properly published and (iii) other related procedural matters were observed in its entirety. Even if, after taking appropriate steps, the response to the Re-Tender is less than three, that tender may be accepted without reference to the Finance Department, provided the rates do not exceed the estimated or the schedule rates beyond 5% in case of works estimate and reasonable prevailing market price for goods and service in other cases. Otherwise, such cases should be referred to the Finance Department for decision.
2. The Tender Inviting Authority shall maintain a ‘Tender Register’ in the proforma as enclosed in Annexure-I.
This order shall take immediate effect.
West Bengal Financial Rules will be amended to incorporate the above provisions in due course.
Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department.
No. 9754-F dated 03.12.2012, Source