
Release of State Government Advertisements

Information and Cultural Affairs,


No. 296(61)-CS/2012, Dated: 18.04.2012.

The Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary/ Special Secretary-in-Charge,
…………………. Department.

Subject: Release of State Government Advertisements.


You may be aware that Information & Cultural Affairs Department is entrusted with the responsibility of releasing all advertisements (display, tender and missing person’s notices) in the print and electronic media on behalf of different departments in conformity with the policy guidelines of the State Government.

Some departments have been releasing advertisements directly where the norms/ guidelines laid by the State Government are not being maintained.

You are, therefore, requested to instruct all Directorates/ Corporations and the subordinate offices under their control to prepare the advertisement and forward all advertisements to Information & Cultural Affairs (I&CA) Department for necessary publication as per Government policy. The advertisement should reach the I&CA Department at least 5 days prior to date of publication. The I&CA Department will incur expenditure for publication for advertisements/ notices for all Government Departments. However, the Corporation/ Authority/ Projects under your Department’s jurisdiction will be required to pay for the publication of their advertisements, the bills of which will be forwarded directly to the said Corporation/ Authority/ Projects etc. for payment.

This will take immediate effect.

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- Samar Ghosh
Chief Secretary, Govt. of West Bengal

No. 296-CS dated 18.04.2012

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