Renewal of Certificate of Fitness for Vehicles
Transport, Fitness Certificate 👁️ 288
Chief Mechanical Engineer of the State Transport Undertakings will renew the Certificate of Fitness for the vehicles owned by respective organisation.
Transport, Fitness Certificate 👁️ 288
Chief Mechanical Engineer of the State Transport Undertakings will renew the Certificate of Fitness for the vehicles owned by respective organisation.
Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Paribahan Bhaban
12, R. N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata-700001
No. 2326-WT/TR/8B-52/90 Pt Dated: 16.06.2016
WHEREAS, the State Government has received proposal from Managing Director, of the Calcutta Tramways Company (1978) Limited for empowering their technical officers to grant and renew Certificate of Fitness for vehicles owned by them;
And WHEREAS, in terms of section 56 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, inter alia, provides for issuance of “Certificate of Fitness” by ‘prescribed authority’;
And WHEREAS, in terms of Rule 57(1) of the West Bengal Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, prescribes for issue and renewal of “Certificate of Fitness” by, inter alia, any officer as may be prescribed by such authority;
And WHEREAS, the State Government had, in the past, authorised certain officers of State Transport Undertakings like the Calcutta State Transport Corporation, the South Bengal State Transport Corporation, the North Bengal State Transport Corporation, etc. vide Notification No. 7416-WT/3M-103/96 dated 04/08/1999;
NOW, THEREFORE, the Governor is pleased to allow the following officers in the permanent employ of all the State Transport Undertakings of the State to renew the “Certificate of Fitness” for the vehicles owned by respective organisation:
Chief Mechanical Engineer of the STU not below the rank of Assistant Engineer of the STU.
Provided that the fees for such “Certificate of Fitness” shall be paid to the Registering Authority, where the vehicle stands registered. The Certificate of Fitness shall be in Prescribed Form through the Vahan/ e-Vahan and shall be kept with the vehicle.
This will take be effective form the date of publication of the notice in Official Gazette.
By order of the Governor
Sd/- B Dasgupta
Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal