
Restructuring of Mechanical and Electrical Wing of Irrigation and Waterways Dte.

Irrigation and Waterways,

Governor has been pleased, in the interest of public service, to restructure and reorganize the Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Wing of the Irrigation & Waterways Department (IWD), to ensure equitable distribution of workload.

Government of West Bengal
Irrigation & Waterways Department
Jalasampad Bhaban, 3rd Floor, Western Block
Bidhannagar, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700091

No. 13-(W)/2018-19 Dated, 7th March 2019


The need of restructuring and strengthening of the Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Wing of the Irrigation & Waterways Department (IWD) was being felt for a long time in view of the importance of rehabilitation and upgradation of various vital functional assets, i.e. electromechanical components of dams, barrages, canal and pumphouse structures, electrical, water supply and fire arrangement of a good number of offices including the 10-storied Jalasampad Bhaban and adjoining Commercial Tax Building at Bidhannagar, Irrigation Colonies and Inspection Bungalows, vis-a-vis the grossly inadequate existing set-up of that Wing comprising only 2 (two) Circles and 6 (six) Divisions headed by Superintending Engineers and Executive Engineers respectively.

2. Accordingly, after careful consideration of the matter, the Governor has been pleased, in the interest of public service, to restructure and reorganize the M&E Wing of the IWD, envisaging creation of new office set up as well as posts and redistribution of working jurisdiction among various offices along with redeployment of workforce, so as to ensure equitable distribution of workload among various offices and more efficient functioning of the M&E Wing as a whole.

New Offices to be opened

3. It has been decided to set up the following new offices:

(a) Office of the Chief Engineer (M&E)1 No.
(b) Circle Office headed by Superintending Engineer (M&E)1 No.
(c) Division Offices headed by Executive Engineers (M&E), including Subdivisional Offices thereunder, headed by Assistant Engineers (M&E)4 Nos.

Name, headquarters, broad outline of territorial jurisdiction and logistic arrangement for accommodation of these new offices have been shown at Annex – 1.

Creation and filling up of new posts

4. Government Order on creation of the following new posts and general mode of filling up of posts by regular / contractual officials and personnel have since been issued, vide this Department Notification No. 11 β€”(W)/2018-19 dated 15th February 2019. Order on detailed modalities to be followed for filling up of posts on contractual basis would be issued in due course.

Reorientation of working jurisdiction and redistribution of work load among various Divisional Offices of the M&E Wing

5. Reorientation of working jurisdictions and redistribution of workload among various existing and new offices of the M&E Wing under the IWD shall be as per the provisions of Annex – 2. The Heads of the new Offices, shall arrange to take over the charge of working jurisdiction and also all papers, documents, files and registers relevant to the jurisdiction and workload from the Heads of the existing Offices after commencement of functional operation of the new office.

Redistribution of workload between Civil Wing and M&E Wing

6. Subject to the specific and special provisions stipulated in this Notification, the general redistribution of workload between the Civil Wing and the M&E Wing will be as per the provisions of Annex-3.

Staffing of various offices

7. Consequent upon new creation of posts and redeployment of existing personnel to optimize utilization of human resources, staffing of the entire M&E Wing, including the existing as well as the new establishments, will be in accordance with the detailed list enclosed as Annex – 4 (14 Sheets).

General considerations, procedural formalities and treasury functioning

8. Divisional Engineers of the concerned Civil Wing holding jurisdiction of respective premises / complexes, where new offices of the M&E would be set up, shall provide the necessary logistic support and take up civil construction works related to temporary as well as permanent accommodation of the new offices. In a like manner, the existing M&E Divisions looking after the abovesaid premises / complexes, or having general jurisdiction in the concerned districts, shall take up the electro-mechanical works of the new establishments, to the extent requested by the counterpart Divisional Engineers of the Civil Wing.

9. Chief Engineer (M&E) will enjoy the same power and perform such functions, as applicable to the regional Chief Engineers of the Civil Wing, as stated in Annex – 3 to IWD Notification No. 12-W/2017-18 dated 8th August 2017.

10. Superintending Engineers of various Circles under the M&E Wing receiving posts of Circle Cadre staff from other Circles, will prepare a fresh gradation list of Circle Cadre staff under their control, considering both the existing staff as well as the new staff joining the Circle due to inter-Circle transfer of posts. Inter-se-seniority of such Circle Cadre staff will be determined on the basis of joining of incumbents in their parent Circles or Divisions thereunder from which the posts are transferred.

11. All the Offices will ensure that transfer of incumbents takes place in accordance with the schedule of restructuring. Concerned Drawing & Disbursing Officers (DDOs) will ensure prompt issuance of the last Pay Certificates and updated Service Books, so as to enable the employees to join in the new places of posting. The said DDOs of each of the office (existing as well as new) will make out a category-wise detailed list of sanctioned posts in these offices, after due consideration of the information provided at Annex – 4 and also Notifications regarding creation and surrendering of posts in the M&E Wing, vide No. 11-(W)/2018-19 and No.12-(W)/2018-19 both dated 15th February 2019. This list is to be duly certified by the concerned Head of the Offices and considered as the list of permanent staff strength of the respective offices until further order.

12. Functional modalities in respect of the creation of Code of Heads of the Offices, creation of sanctioned posts and post code tagging in different offices, will be followed by the appropriate hierarchy in the Secretariat Office and Irrigation & Waterways Directorate, in accordance with the prevailing norms of the Human Resources Management System (HRMS).

13. A separate list showing DDOs of the new offices and the corresponding link treasuries is enclosed as Annex – 5. Secretariat office of this Department will separately approach Finance (Audit) Department, Group-T for obtaining in-principle concurrence to issuance of drawal authority/ Codes of the DDOs of the new offices. On receipt of such concurrence and upon identification of the DDOs, the Secretariat Office, will simultaneously approach the Office of the Accountant Genera! (A&E), West Bengal to obtain drawal authority for all DDOs and also the Director of Treasuries & Accounts (DTA) for new DDO Codes. In addition, Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal will also be approached for the permission of opening PW Deposit Accounts in favour of the Executive Engineers of the new Working Divisions. Upon having DDO Codes from the DTA and necessary permission from Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal in respect of opening and operating PW Deposit Accounts, the DDOs would apply to the corresponding link treasuries to get the operating code for PW Deposit Accounts and to start full-fledged functioning as DDO for necessary transaction with the treasuries.

14. Concerned Heads of the new Offices will also function as Pension Sanctioning Authorities (PSAs), for the applicable categories of staff.

15. Heads of all the new offices are hereby authorized to outsource the works related to guarding and housekeeping of their respective offices, following usual formalities. Expenditure for running the offices may be incurred in accordance with Delegation of Power Rules 1977, amended from time to time.

16. Transfer of relevant files, papers, registers, documents etc., other movable and immovable assets among existing and new offices, will take place after joining of the minimum number of personnel in the new office set up, required for reasonably full-fledged functioning of new offices.

Schedule of implementation

17. Opening of new offices and reorientation of jurisdiction shall take place as per following schedule:

(a) By 31st July 2019 for the office of the Chief Engineer (M&E) and South West Mechanical & Electrical Circle.

(b) By 30th August 2019 for all other offices.

18. The proposal of creation of new set up has been concurred to by the Finance Department, vide their U.O. No. Group-P2/2018-2019/0917 dated 18th January 2019.

19. This issues with the approval of Hon’ble Minister-in-charge of this Department.

By Order of the Governor

Naveen Prakash
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

Encl. Annexes 1 to 5 (25 Sheets)

No. 13-W dated 07.03.2019, Source

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