
Restructuring of PSUs/ Corporations of State Government

Finance, 👁️ 481

26 PSUs/ Corporations would be restructured and 20 would be merged. The remaining 44 PSUs/ Corporations will continue to remain functional.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 1093-F(Y) Dated: 21.02.2017


The matter of comprehensive restructuring of PSUs/ Corporations with an objective to improve the operational efficiency, optimally utilize the manpower and assets was under active consideration of the Government for some time past.

2. After reviewing the status of 90 PSUs/ Corporations of the state government, it has been decided by the State Government that 46 PSUs/ Corporations are to be restructured/ merged (26 PSUs/ Corporations would be restructured and 20 would be merged [Annexure – ‘A’]). The remaining 44 PSUs/ Corporations will continue to remain functional [Annexure – ‘B’].

3. It has further been decided that the services of employees of all such restructured/ merged PSUs/ Corporations would not be affected in any way. The employees in such merged or restructured PSUs/ Corporations will be redeployed in the continuing PSUs/ Corporations with which the original unit is merged or detailed in the various offices in the Government with same terms & conditions of service.

4. A Committee of Secretaries with the Chief Secretary as its Chairman and having the Addl. Chief Secretary, Home and Hill Affairs Department, Principal Secretary, Public Works Department, Principal Secretary, Finance Department and Principal Secretary, L&LR Department as its member – is also constituted to ensure proper and optimum utilization of land, infrastructure and assets of the restructured/ merged PSUs/ Corporations.

5. Concerned Departments are requested to immediately take necessary action with regards to completion of the legal formalities to restructure/ merge the company, the matters related with redeployment of regular/ contractual/ ad-hoc employees and disposal of assets etc.

This has approval of the Cabinet in its meeting held on February 10, 2017.

Sd/- Basudeb Banerjee
Chief Secretary

No. 1093-F dated 21.02.2017, Source

PSUs and Corporations proposed to be restructured or merged (46)

#DepartmentCorporation/ PSUStatusRemarks
1Animal Resources DevelopmentWest Bengal Dairy and Poultry Development Corporation LimitedGovt. CompanyWest Bengal Dairy and Poultry Development Corporation Limited would be merged with The West Bengal Livestock Processing Development Corporation Limited to form one Corporation.
2Backward Classes WelfareWest Bengal Backward Classes Development & Finance CorporationStatutoryWest Bengal Backward Classes Development & Finance Corporation will be merged with West Bengal Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Development & Finance Corporation
3FinanceEastern Distilleries and Chemicals LimitedGovt. Company
4FisheriesWest Bengal Fisheries Corporation LimitedGovt. Company
5ForestPulpwood Development corporationGovt. CompanyThese two (2) companies would be merged with West Bengal Forest Development Corporation Limited to form only one corporation
6West Bengal Wasteland Development Corporation LimitedGovt. Company
7Health & Family WelfareThe Electro Medical and Allied Industries LimitedGovt. CompanyThese 3 companies may be merged with West Bengal Medical Services Corporation Limited
8West Bengal Pharmaceutical and Phytochemical Development Corporation LimitedGovt. Company
9Gluconate Health LimitedGovt. Company
10Information TechnologyWebel Electronic Communication systems Limited (Subsidiary of WBEIDC Limited)Govt. CompanyAll these Five (5) subsidiaries of Webel to be closed/ merged with West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Limited (WBEIDC Limited)
11Webel Mediatronics Limited (Subsidiary of WBEIDC Limited)Govt. Company
12Webel Informatics Limited (Subsidiary of WBEIDC Limited)Govt. Company
13Webel Electro Optics Limited (subsidiary of WBEIDC Ltd.)Non-Working
14Webel Consumer Electronics Limited (subsidiary of WBEIDC Limited)Non-Working
15Large Industries & EnterprisesWest Bengal Tea Development Corporation LimitedGovt. Company
16West Bengal Trade Promotion Organisation (Subsidiary of WBIDC Limited)Govt. CompanyWBTPO to be merged with WBIDC
17Neo Pipes & Tubes Company LimitedGovt. Company
18Micro & S.S.E. & TextilesDurgapur Chemicals LimitedGovt. CompanyBy disinvestment
19WEBFIL LimitedGovt. Company
20National iron & Steel Company (1984) LimitedGovt. Company
21West Bengal Text Book Corpn. (P) Ltd, (subsidiary of Saraswaty Press Ltd.)Govt. Company
22West Bengal Plywood and Allied Products LimitedNon-Working
23Krishna Silicate & Glass (1987) LimitedNon-Working
24Carter Pooler Engineering Co. Ltd.Non-Working
25Lily Production LtdNon-Working
26West Bengal Sugar Industries Development Corporation LimitedNon-Working
27The Infusions (India) LimitedNon-Working
28Mayurakshi Cotton Mills (1990) LimitedGovt. Company
29Shilpabarta Printing Press Limited (Subsidiary of WBSIDC Limited)Govt. Company
30The Kalyani Spining Mills LtdNon-Working
31Pulver Ash Projects Limited (Subsidiary of WBSIDC Limited)Non-Working
32West Bengal Ceramic Dev. Corpn. Ltd.Non-Working
33West Bengal State Leather Industries Dev. Corpn. Ltd.Non-Working
34The West Dinajpur Spining Mills Ltd.Non-Working
35West Bengal Handloom and Powerloom Dev. Corpn. Ltd.Non-Working
36The West Bengal Projects Limited (subsidiary of WBSIDC Limited)Non-Working
37PowerNew Town Electric Supply Company LimitedGovt. CompanyNew Town Electric Supply Company Limited to be merged with West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd.
38DPL Coke Oven LtdNon-Working
39Public WorksBritania Engineering LimitedGovt. CompanyTo be merge with Westinghouse Saxby Farmer Limited
40Sundarban AffairsSundarban Infrastructure Development Corporation LimitedGovt. CompanyBoard may undertake the works of the corporation
41TourismGreat Eastern HotelNon-WorkingTo complete the formalities of formal govt. exit
42TransportThe Calcutta State Transport CorporationGovt. CompanyThese two (2) Corporations to be merged with CTC to form one corporation namely West Bengal Transport Corporation
43West Bengal Surface Transport Corporation LimitedGovt. Company
44Urban DevelopmentNew Town Telecom Infrastructure Dev. Co. Ltd. (subsidiary of WBHIDCO Ltd.)Govt. CompanyNew Town Telecom Infrastructure Dev. Co. Ltd. May be merged with WBHIDCO Limited
45Water Resources Investigation & DevelopmentWest Bengal State Minor Irrigation Corporation LimitedGovt. CompanyWest Bengal State Minor Irrigation Corporation Limited may be merged with West Bengal Agro Industries Corporation Limited
46Women and Child Development and Social WelfareWest Bengal Women Development UndertakingGovt. Company

After Restructuring these 44 PSUs and Corporations will continue

#DepartmentCorporation/ PSUStatusRemarks
1AgricultureWest Bengal State Seed Corporation LimitedGovt. Company
2Agriculture MarketingPaschimbanga Agri Marketing Corporation LimitedGovt. Company
3Animal Resources DevelopmentThe West Bengal Livestock Processing Development Corporation LimitedGovt. CompanyWest Bengal Dairy and Poulltry Development Corporation Limited would be merged with The West Bengal Livestock Processing Development Corporation Limited to form one Corporation.
4Backward Classes WelfareWest Bengal Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Development & Finance CorporationStatutoryWest Bengal Backward Classes Development & Finance Corporation will be merged with West Bengal Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Development & Finance Corporation
5Tribal DevelopmentWest Bengal Tribal Development Cooprative Corporation Ltd,Statutory
6FinanceWest Bengal Infrastructure Development Finance Corporation Ltd.Govt. Company
7West Bengal Financial CorporationStatutory
8FisheriesThe State Fisheries Development Corporation LimitedGovt. CompanyWest Bengal Fisheries Corporation Limited to be merged with The State Fisheries Development Corporation Limited
9Food & SuppliesWest Bengal Essemtial Commodities Supply Corporation LimitedGovt. Company
10West Bengal State Warehousing CorporationStatutory
11Food Processing ndustries & HorticultureWest Bengal State Food Processing and Horticulture Development Corporation LimitedGovt. Company
12ForestWest Bengal Forest Development Corporation LimitedGovt. CompanyPulpwood Development corporation and West Bemgal Wasteland Development Corporation Limited may be merged with West Bengal Forest Development Corporation Limited to form only one corporation
13Health & Family WelfareWest Bengal Medical Services Corporation LimitedGovt. CompanyThe Electro Medical and Allied Industries Limited, West Bengal Pharmaceutical and Phytochemical Development Corporation Limited and Gluconate Health Limited would be merged with West Bengal Medical Services Corporation Limited
14Home (Police)West Bengal Police Housing & Infrastructure Development Corporation LimitedGovt. Company
15Information & Cultural AffairsWest Bengal Film Development Corporation LimitedGovt. Company
16Basumati Corporation LimitedGovt. Company
17Information TechnologyWebel Venture Capital Limited (subsidiary of WBEIDC Ltd)Govt. CompanyFive (5) subsidiares of Webel to be closed/ merged with West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Limited (WBEIDC Limited)
18West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Limited (WBEIDC Limited)Govt. Company
19Webel Technology Limited (Subsidiary of WBEIDC Limited)Govt. CompanyTo be transferred to P&AR Department for egovernance related work
20Large Industries & EnterprisesWest Bemgal Industrial Development Corporation Limited(WBIDC Limited)Govt. CompanyWBTPO to be merged with WBIDC
21Greater Calcutta Gas Supply Corporation LimitedGovt. Company
22Saraswati Press LimitedGovt. Company
23West Bengal Industrial Infrastructure Development CorporationStatutory
24West Bengal Mineral Development and Trading Corporation LimitedGovt. Company
25West Bengal Industrial Land Holding Pvt, LtdNon-WorkingMay be transferred to L&LR Department
26Micro & S.S.E. & TextilesWest Bengal Handicrafts Development Corporation Limited (Manjusha)Govt. Company
27The West Bengal Small Industries Development Corporation Limited (WBSIDC)Govt. Company
28Minority Affairs & Madrasah EducationWest Bengal Minorities Development & Finance CorporationStatutory
29PowerWest Bengal State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd.Govt. CompanyNew Town Electric Supply Company Limited to be merged with West Bengal State Electricity Distribution
30West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Co. Ltd.Govt. Company
31The West Bengal Power Development Corporation LimitedGovt. Company
32West Bengal Green Energy Development Corporation LimitedGovt. Company
33Public WorksWest Bengal Highway Development Corporation LimitedGovt. Company
34Mackintosh Bum LimitedGovt. Company
35Westing house Saxby Farmer LimitedGovt. CompanyBritania Engineering Limited to be merge with Westinghouse Saxby Farmer Limited
36Self Help Group & Self EmploymentWest Bengal Swarojgar Corporation LimitedGovt. CompanySHG society may be closed
37TourismWest Bengal Tourism Development Corporation LimitedGovt. Company
38TransportWest Bengal Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation LimitedGovt. Company
39The Shalimar Works (1980) LimitedGovt. Company
40Calcutta Tramways CorporationStatutoryTwo (2) Corporations namely CTC and WBSTC to be merged with CSTC to form one new corporation namely West Bengal Transport Corporation
41North Bengal State Transport CorporationStatutory
42South Bengal State Transport CorporationStatutory
43Urban DevelopmentWest Bengal Housing Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (WBHIDCO Limited)Govt. CompanyNew Town Telecom Infrastructure Dev. Co. Ltd. May be merged with WBHIDCO Limited
44Water Resources Investigation & DevelopmentWest Bengal Agro Industries Corporation LimitedGovt. CompanyWest Bengal State Minor Irrigation Corporation Limited may be merged with West Bengal Agro Industries Corporation Limited

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