No. 1939-PAR(WBCS)/1D-164/12(Pt-I) Dated, Kolkata the 19th November, 2014
Sub: Restructuring of W.B.C.S. (Exe) Cadre: Allowing 2 (two) additional increments of W.B.C.S. (Exe) officer in pre-revised scale No. 17 & 18 to all WBCS (Exe) officers who are presently enjoying these Scales.
The undersigned is directed to say that restructuring of W.B.C.S. (Exe) Cadre has been under examination of the Review Committee set up for the purpose and after careful consideration of the matter, the Governor has been pleased to order that officers on their movement to pre-revised Scale No. 17 & 18 shall be awarded 2 (two) additional increment in each Scale mentioned herein above on the date of fixation of pay in the corresponding scale of pay on the basic pay which will be arrived after fixation in the scale as above subject to following conditions:
i) In case of officers who are presently in the above scales i.e. in the pre-revised scale No. 17 & 18, same benefit may be allowed with effect from 01.07.2014 on the basic pay that has been arrived after allowing normal increment on the said date provided such benefit will be notional upto 30.09.2014 and actual effect will be from 01.10.2014.
ii) In case of an officer, if any, who has opted for fixation in any date in between 01.07.2014 and date of issue of the order, such benefit will be notional as above for those whose fixation has been made after 01.07.2014 but before 01.10.2014.
iii) The officers who are at present in pre-revised Scale No. 18 will be allowed for the benefit scale No. 18 only.
iv) The eligibility condition for awarding higher pay scale No. 17 & 18 to W.B.C.S. (Exe) officers will be same as stated in Finance Deptt. Memo No. 6075-F dated 21.06.1990 and Memo No. 3015-F dated 13.03.2001 as amended from time to time.
v) Other provisions of the existing career advancement scheme as laid down in the then Home (P.& A.R.) Deptt.’s (now P. & A. R. Department) Memo No. 265-PAR (WBCS) dated 29.01.1991 shall continue to remain in force.
2. Actual effect of this order will be from 01.10.2014.
3. The Administrative Deptt. to which they are posted shall issue accordant orders expeditiously.
4. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Deptt. vide their U.O. No. Group-P2/2014-2015/2302 dated 29.10.2014.
5. The Principal Accountant General, West Bengal is being informed accordingly.
By Order of the Governor,
Sd/- M. K. Agarwal
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
No. 1939-PAR dated 19.11.2014
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