Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
Memo. No. 5430-F(Y) Dated 23rd August, 2018
Sub: Revised Provisions for procurement through Government-e-Marketplace
The State Government has introduced voluntary procurement of goods and services through Government-e-Marketplace (GeM) vide Finance Department’s Memo. No. 3876-F(Y), dated 14.06.2018. Necessary provisions on procurement and payment procedure through GeM have been laid down in para 4 & 5 of the Memo. ibid. Further, necessary guidelines in regard to creation of Organizational Hierarchies and assignment of roles of Primary and Secondary Users in GeM in respect of the State Government Offices, State PSUs, Local Bodies, Statutory and Autonomous Organization, Aided Institution, Parastatals, etc. under the control of the State Government have been issued vide FD’s Memo. No. 4949-F(Y) dated 03.08.2018.
2. Now, in partial modification of Para 4 of FD’s Memo. No. 3876-F(Y) dated 14.06.2018, the following provisions are hereby prescribed in order to facilitate the procurement of goods and services through GeM:
i) Para 4(a) of Memo ibid stands modified as follows:
Purchase/ Procurement value upto Rs. 50,000/- may be made directly through GeM, meeting the requisite quality, specification and delivery period. However, in case of procurement other than through GeM, the ceiling for direct purchase will remain Rs. 10,000/- as stipulated in FD’s Memo. No. 5400-F(Y) dated 25.06.2012.
ii) “Above Rs. 10,000/- and upto Rs. 1 lakh through GeM” in para 4(b) of Memo ibid, is hereby replaced as “Above Rs. 50,000/- and upto Rs. 1 lakh through GeM”.
iii) If the number of qualified vendors/sellers is less than three for L1 Purchase/Bidding in GeM, then the Administrative Department shall take a decision based on the following situations:
Case 1: If the no. of qualified bidders is 2, the Procuring Authority should mandatorily use online Reverse Auction available on GeM.
Case 2: If the no. of qualified vendor/seller is 1, the relevant provisions of Finance Department Memo No. 925-F(Y) dated 14.02.2017 is to be followed.
iv) For purchase of Branded Articles and Proprietary Items through GeM, concurrence of Finance Department shall mandatorily be obtained as per FD’s Memo. No. 1956-F(Y), dated 04.04.2014 before placing the order on GeM.
v) The format of the Sanction Order of the appropriate authority to be uploaded in GeM Portal before placing the Order is provided at Annexure-A of this Memorandum.
3. The procurement of vehicles, computers & peripherals, printers, scanners, photocopier machines, etc. may be made only through GeM. For other articles, procurement through GeM is voluntary.
4. In all cases, before placing an order in GeM, the Procuring Authority shall satisfy itself about the reasonability of the rates of the items to be procured and ensure that the items usually procured together have not been split into multiple orders to avoid ceilings defined in Financial Rules.
5. Necessary amendments in the WBFR shall be made in due course.
Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
No. 5430-F dated 23.08.2018, Source
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