
Revision of Scale of Pay of Revenue Inspector of L&LR

Finance, Land Reforms, 👁️ 743

The Revenue inspector who was in service as such on 31.12.1995 may exercise option to come under revised scale as is allowed vide F.D. Memo No. 766-F, dated 27.01.2009 w.e.f. any date between 01.01.1996 and 01.01.1997.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 2602-F, Dated: 05.03.2009


The pay scale of Revenue Inspector under the Administrative Control of L & L.R. Department was revised from scale No. 6 (1040-1920/-) plus Special Pay of Rs. 60/- to Scale No. 9 (4000-8850/-) w.e.f. 01-01-1996 notionally with actual effect from 01-01-2008 vide Finance Department Memo No. 766-F, dated 27-01-2009. The question of exercise of option for pay fixation on such revision of pay and on awardment of CAS-’90/ MCAS-’01 benefit has been under consideration of the Government for some time past.

2. After careful, consideration of the matter, the Governor has been pleased to order as follows:-

i) The Revenue inspector who was in service as such on 31-12-1995 may exercise option to come under revised scale as is allowed vide F. D. Memo No. 766-F, dated 27-01-2009 w.e.f. any date between 01-01-1996 and 01-01-1997 (both days inclusive) within 30 days from the date of issue of the order.

ii) The pay in the revised scale would be fixed on the basis of unrevised pay under W.B.S. (ROPA) Rules, 1990;

iii) The first higher scale, second higher scale and third higher scale for CAS-’90 and MCAS-’01 benefits would be Scale No. 10 (4500-9700/-), Scale No. 11 (4650-10,175/-) and Scale No. 12 respectively w.r.t. basic Scale No. 9, for the direct recruit Revenue Inspectors. The above scale (s) would take effect from 01-01-1996 for CAS-’90 benefits and from 01-01-2001 for MCAS-’01 benefits. The aforesaid CAS/ MCAS scale(s) of pay are not applicable to those Revenue Inspectors, who were promoted or transferred or deployed from other posts carrying scale No. 6.

3. The Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal and the Principal Accountant General (Audit), West Bengal are being informed accordingly.

Sd/- S .K . Chattopadhyay
Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department


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