The Revised TR form 70C is given in the Annexure. However, the revised TR 70C shall also be used for drawal of security deposit from Security Deposit Accounts as usual.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
Nabanna, Howrah-711102.
No. 5290-F(Y) Dated, the 4th October, 2016.
Consequent upon discontinuance of LOC system w.e.f. 01.04.2015 and in terms of Memo No. 5785-F(Y) dated 29.07.2015, the procedure for transfer of outstanding positive balance of item nos. II and III of CPWA Form 79 from Works/Forest books of accounts to Treasury books of accounts will equally apply for transfer of outstanding positive balance of item no. V (Miscellaneous Deposits) of the said Form 79 too. Accordingly, Miscellaneous Deposit Account for Works and Forest Departments has been opened at all Treasuries/PAOs as per authority accorded by AGWB.
Now, a question has been raised as to how the fund under Miscellaneous Deposit Account opened in the Treasuries will be drawn by using the existing bills of TR 70 series. The existing forms for drawl of fund related to Deposit works has no provision for withdrawal of money from the Miscellaneous Deposit account. After examination of the issues involved, the existing TR 70C bill form has been modified to accommodate the provision for withdrawal of fund from the Miscellaneous Deposit Account.
The Revised TR form 70C is given in the Annexure. However, the revised TR 70C shall also be used for drawal of security deposit from Security Deposit Accounts as usual.
There shall be no further deposit under Miscellaneous Deposit Head of Account except the balance authorized by AGWB.
This order will take immediate effect.
Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal