School Education, Duties and Responsibilities , Mid Day Meal đī¸ 1460
The Headmaster/ Headmistress/ Teacher in charge will oversee the Mid-Day Meal scheme (MDMS) so as to ensure its proper and uninterrupted functioning in the schools.
Government of West Bengal
Office of the Project Director
Cooked Mid Day Meal Project
School Education Department
Plot 7/1, Block- DK, Salt Lake, Sector-II,
Karunamoyee, Kolkata-91
Memo No: 504(38)/ES/CMDMP/Genl-11/2012/Part-III Dated: 30.08.2013
From: Arnab Roy
Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal,
School Education Department.
To: 1-38) The District Inspector of Schools, Secondary & Primary ….. (All).
Sub: Role of teaching and non teaching staff in performance of Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) in schools.
Involvement of teaching and non teaching staff in performance of Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) in school has been clearly articulated in the order No. 111-CS/2011, Dt: 09.06.2011 of the Chief Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal and this department’s order No. 958(40)/SE(Plng)/O/MDM-31/2010, Dt: 20.12.2010.
The following is reiterated for information, guidance of and compliance by all teaching and non teaching staff of the schools.
i) The Headmaster/ Headmistress/ Teacher in charge will oversee the Mid-Day Meal scheme (MDMS) so as to ensure its proper and uninterrupted functioning in the schools.
ii) He/ She may entrust day to day running of MDMS to one or two teachers according to the convenience of teaching and administrative position of the school.
iii) Responsibility to run and man the scheme may be devolved to the teachers on rotational basis.
iv) He/ She will encourage community participation in the scheme for enrichment of its quality and
standard and to ensure this, monthly meeting with guardians/ parents/ VEC may be arranged positively in the first week of each month in schools.
v) Cooked food must be tasted by one teacher and one cook prior to service of the same to the students in schools.
vi) He/ She may ask other teachers and non-teaching staff to help the students wash their hands, take meal and thereafter wash their hands and dishes in a disciplined way so that entire process is completed within reasonable time. There should be no pushing and jostling in any line which may cause accident.
vii) Maintenance of cleanliness in the kitchen and outside within the schools must be taken care of in the interest of boosting of hygienic condition.
viii) Monitoring of cooking and service of MDM by the Head of the schools is insisted upon, as it will have salutary effect on the scheme.
ix) Annual & Monthly Data necessary for MIS web portal i.e. and other required information must be sent to the concerned Block office by the Head of the school.
x) The cash book, stock register, daily expenditure register and a separate register for keeping accounts of additional fund for LPG gas cylinders must be maintained in each and every school.
xi) Correct MDM bank account number including the phone number of the Headmaster/ Headmistress/ teacher in charge and Assistant Headmaster/ Assistant Headmistress/ any teacher who is looking after MDM Scheme must be sent to the concerned Block office.
Above instructions must be adhered to by all teaching and non teaching staff of schools. The head of the school will ensure that above instructions are carried out in letter and spirit. Willful attempt to flout the above norms must be discouraged by taking appropriate action against the defaulter as per existing orders provided under School Education Deptt. Govt. of West Bengal.
It is, therefore, requested that this order is circulated to each school under your control and you will see that the above instructions are being followed properly by your personal visit and visits of subordinate officers to the schools.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Arnab Roy
Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal
School Education Department