Government of West Bengal
Department of Science & Technology,
Bikash Bhavan (4th Floor), Salt Lake, Kolkata 700 091
No: 1127/ST/P/S&T/12G-25/2011 Date: 12/08/11
Rules for the Award of Gopal Chandra Bhattacharyya Smriti Puraskar, 2011
The Governor is pleased to formulate the following rules for the State Award named Gopal Chandra Bhattacharyya Smriti Puraskar.
- One prize of the value of Rs. 30,000/- (Rupees thirty thousand) only with a certificate of Honour and plaque called ‘Gopal Chandra Bhattacharyya Smriti Puraskar’ will be awarded annually to a person as a token recognition of his/her notable contribution in the field of science popularisation and performance in disseminating science from the libraries and laboratories to the common people of West Bengal.
- The area of activities stated above includes the following: –
- a) Preaching science against superstitions and prejudices prevalent in the society.
- b) Organising people’s science movement aimed at raising the level of general awareness of the common people.
- c) Promoting transfer of technology strengthen rural economy of West Bengal.
- d) Popularising science and technology through mass-media.
- e) Any other activities related to the above purposes.
- The prize will be given to an individual on the basis of an evaluation of his/her activities during 20 (twenty) year’s prior to the year of awarding the prize.
- The Department of Science & Technology will publish advertisements in leading daily newspapers asking individuals/organisations to nominate one person for awarding the prize in a particular year. Any organisation may nominate one person only in the prescribed format of the Department, which will include details of the person and his/her activities. No individual will nominate his/her own name for this prize.
- A final list of nominated persons will be prepared from nominations received through advertisements.
- An Award Committee consisting of 7 (seven) or 9 (nine) members will be appointed by the Government every year. No person existing in the final list of nominees mentioned in para-5 will be a member of the Award Committee.
- The members of the Award Committee will hold a joint meeting to consider and examine the list of persons nominated for the prize. After the meeting, each member of the Award Committee will separately submit his recommendations for the award confidentially, to the Government. If, in the opinion of any member, none of the persons in the final list is suitable for the prize he will communicate that to the Government.
- The person receiving the recommendation of a majority of the members of the Award Committee will receive the prize. If there is no such majority, no award shall be made for the year.
- If more than one persons are recommended by the Award Committee, the prize money will be shared equally by them.
- A person who has been awarded Satyendra Puraskar, Rabindra Puraskar, Vidyasagar Puraskar, or Bankim Puraskar of Government of West Bengal, will not be considered for this award for a period of 10 (ten) year’s from the year of receiving such prize.
- The prize shall be awarded in cash/cheque or Demand Draft along with a certificate of award.
- The award shall be published in the ‘Calcutta Gazette’.
By order of the Governor
Principal Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal
No. 1127-ST dated 12.08.2011, Source