
School Fees and its Collection during the Lock Down Period

School Education, ,

It is advised to have a considerate view of the matter and restrain from enhancing school fees during the current academic year. Any case of delayed payment/non-payment of the fee by the guardian in the prevailing situation may be considered sympathetically.

Update: Regarding increase in the school fees and related matter during Lock down period

Update: Regarding increase of school fees and its collection during the period of Lock down

Government of West Bengal
Department of School Education
Bikash Bhavan, 6th floor
Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700091

No.: 137-SSE/20 Date: 10/04/2020

From: Manish Jain,
Principal Secretary to the Govt of West Bengal

To: The Principal/ Headmaster/ Headmistress,
All Private and Un-Aided Schools

Sub: Regarding increase in the school fees and its collection during the Lock down period

Madam/ Sir,

You are aware that our State is witnessing unprecedented situation due to COVID-19. The State Government is doing its level best to contain the spread of COVID-19 as well as protect the well-being of the citizens by way of a number of measures like waiving various fees, deferment of paying licence fees/taxes, free distribution of food grains to the poor families etc.

But it is unfortunate to note that many private and unaided schools affiliated to various Boards have not only increased the fees during the current academic year but also pressing the parents/guardians to deposit the same during this lock down period. The Hon’ble Minister in charge of Education Department, Government of West Bengal has already made an appeal to the authorities of all schools for not to increase the fees considering the current situation and to consider the matter on non-payment of fee by the guardian, if any, sympathetically. However, it is has been reported that a few schools have not yet given a positive response so far. The matter has been seriously viewed by the State Government.

Under the circumstances, it is therefore advised to all concerned once again, to have a considerate view of the matter and restrain from enhancing school fees during the current academic year. Any case of delayed payment/non-payment of the fee by the guardian in the prevailing situation may be considered sympathetically.

Your kind necessary early action in the matter would be highly appreciated.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- Manish Jain
Principal Secretary to the
Govt of West Bengal

No. 137-SSE dated 10.04.2020, Source

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