
Problems regarding Admission and Fees in Elementary Education

School Education, , 👁️ 651

Collection of fees in addition to Rs. 240/- per annum is punishable under RTE Act. Further, taking loan from guardian or any other authority to run the educational institution is not permissible. Head of the institution shall be personally responsible for the same and disciplinary action against Headmaster/ Headmistress will be taken it they are found to be charging any amount beyond Rs. 240/-.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Elementary Education Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091.

No. 575-SE(EE)/2P-5/2013, Dated: 21.07.2013.

From: Shri K. Dutta,
Assistant Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.

To: The Commissioner of School Education, West Bengal,
Bikash Bhavan, 7th floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091.

Sub: Problems regarding Admission and Fees.

The undersigned is directed to inform him that some school authorities has raised issues like implementation of 187-SE, dated 14.12.2011 and stated that the amount of Rs. 240/- is not sufficient and they are taking loans from guardians.

The undersigned is also directed to say that the collection of fees in addition to Rs. 240/- per annum is punishable under RTE Act. Further, taking loan from guardian or any other authority to run the educational institution is not permissible. Head of the institution shall be personally responsible for the same and disciplinary action against Headmaster/ Headmistress will be taken it they are found to be charging any amount beyond Rs. 240/-.

He is requested to circulate the above instruction to all concerns for strict compliance.

Sd/- Assistant Secretary.

No. 575-SE dated 21.07.2013