
Services by Environment Department under Right to Public Service Act

Environment, ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ 286

Consent to Establish of Green Category industries (with capital investment greater than Rs. 5 crore upto Rs. 10 crore and industries located within Calcutta Leather Complex with capital investment upto Rs. 10 crore) & Orange and Red industries (with capital investment upto Rs. 10 crore)

Update: Services by Environment Department under Right to Public Service Act

Government of West Bengal
Environment Department
Pranisampad Bhavan, Block LB-2, 5th Floor
Sector-III, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700106

No.: 1122-EN/A-02/2013(Pt.-1) Date: 05.07.2021


In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the West Bengal Right to Public Service Act, 2013, the Governor is hereby pleased to notify the services along with the stipulated time limit for rendering the services, the Designated officers responsible for providing the services, the Appellate Officer and the Reviewing Officer in respect of West Bengal Pollution Control Board (WBPCB) as follows:-

Sl No.Service to be renderedDesignated OfficerStipulated time limitAppellate Officer/ stipulated time limitReviewing Officer/ stipulated time limit
1Consent to Establish & Consent to Operate (both fresh & renewal) for Green Category industries with capital investment upto Rs. 5 crore except industries located within Calcutta Leather Complex.General Managers of District Industries Centres & Officer inยญcharge of the Sub District Industries Centres of Department of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises & Textiles, Govt. of WB.15 days

Joint Director, MSME

One Month

Member Secretary, WBPCB

Fifteen days

2Consent to Establish of Green Category industries (with capital investment greater than Rs. 5 crore upto Rs. 10 crore and industries located within Calcutta Leather Complex with capital investment upto Rs. 10 crore) & Orange and Red industries (with capital investment upto Rs. 10 crore) [other than Environmental Clearance (EC) attracting industries], Health care units (upto 50 beds)

Both fresh & renewal of Consent to Operate for Green (with capital investment greater than Rs.5 crore upto Rs. 10 crore and industries located within Calcutta Leather Complex with capital investment upto Rs. 10 crore), Orange & Red (with capital investment upto Rs. 10 crore other than EC attracting industries), Health care units (upto 50 beds)

Renewal of Consent to Operate of all industries with capital investment greater than Rs. 10 crore including EC attracting industries.

In charge Regional Office, WBPCB.

Red- 60 days

Orange- 30 days

Green- 15 days

Chief Engineer, WBPCB

One Month

Member Secretary, WBPCB

Fifteen days

3Consent to Establish for all (Red / Orange / Green) industries with capital investment greater than Rs. 10 crore [other than Environmental Clearance (EC) attracting industries], Health care units (above 50 beds & upto 200 beds)

Fresh Consent to Operate of all EC attracting industries and all industries with capital investment more than Rs. 10 crore, Fresh & renewal of Consent to Operate for Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) and Health care units (above 50 beds & upto 200 beds)

Senior Environmental Engineer/ Environmental Engineer, O&E Cell, WBPCBRed- 60 days

Orange- 30 days

Green- 15 days

Concerned Chief Engineer, WBPCB

One Month

Member Secretary, WBPCB

Fifteen days

4Consent to Establish & Consent to Operate (fresh & renewal) for Health care units (more than 200 beds)Senior Environmental Engineer, Bio-medical Waste Management Cell, WBPCBRed- 60 days

Orange- 30 days

Chief Engineer, WBPCB

One Month

Member Secretary, WBPCB

Fifteen days

5Consent to Establish for industries/ Activities/ Buildings/ Projects attracting Environment Impact Assessment (ELA) Notification and its amendmentsIn-charge, Environment Impact Management Cell, WBPCBRed- 60 days

Orange- 30 days

Chief Engineer, WBPCB

One Month

Member Secretary, WBPCB

Fifteen days

6Consent to Establish & Consent to Operate (fresh & renewal) for Brick FieldsDistrict Land & Land Reform Officer of respective districtsOrange- 30 daysDistrict Magistrate of respective district

One Month

Member Secretary, WBPCB

Fifteen days

7Consent to Establish & Consent to Operate (fresh & renewal) for stone quarries and stone crushing industriesBlock Development Officer (BDO) & Sub divisional Officer (SDO) of the DistrictsRed- 60 days

Orange- 30 days

District Land & Land Reform Officer of respective districts One MonthMember Secretary, WBPCB

Fifteen days

8Biomedical Waste Authorization both fresh & renewal (more than 200 beds)Senior Environmental Engineer, Bio-medical Waste Management Cell, WBPCB60 daysChief Engineer, WBPCB

One Month

Member Secretary, WBPCB

Fifteen days

9Biomedical Waste Authorization both fresh & renewal (above 50 beds & not more than 200 beds)Senior Environmental Engineer/ Environmental Engineer, O&E Cell, WBPCB60 daysChief Engineer, WBPCB

One Month

Member Secretary, WBPCB

Fifteen days

10Biomedical Waste Authorization both fresh & renewal (upto 50 beds)In charge Regional Office, WBPCB60 daysChief Engineer, WBPCB

One Month

Member Secretary, WBPCB

Fifteen days

11Hazardous Waste Authorization (fresh & renewal)Chief Engineer, WBPCBRed- 60 days

Orange- 30 days

Green- 15 days

Member Secretary, WBPCB

One Month

Chairman, WBPCB

Fifteen days

12Registration of dealers of Lead Acid Battery (fresh & renewal)Chief Engineer, WBPCB30 daysMember Secretary, WBPCB

One Month

Chairman, WBPCB

Fifteen days

13Municipal Solid Waste Authorization (fresh & renewal)Environmental Engineer/ Assistant Environmental Engineer, Cell dealing with Municipal Solid Waste Authorization60 daysChief Engineer, WBPCB

One Month

Member Secretary, WBPCB

Fifteen days

14Registration of plastic units as per Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 (fresh & renewal)In charge Regional Office, WBPCB30 daysChief Engineer, WBPCB

One Month

Member Secretary, WBPCB

Fifteen days

15Authorization under E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 (fresh & renewal)Environmental Engineer / Assistant Environmental Engineer, Cell dealing with E- Waste Authorization120 daysMember Secretary, WBPCBChairman, WBPCB

Definition of relevant item

EC: Environmental Clearance: The industries which attract Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), Notification, 2006 and require to obtain EC.

This Notification issued in cancellation of this Department’s previous No. 107-EN/A-02/2013(Pt.-I) dated 15/01/2016 and 1380-EN/A-02/2013(Pt.-I) dated 14/10/2020 related to this proposals and shall come into effect on the date of publication in The Official Gazette.

By order of the Governor,

Sd/- Deputy Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 1122-EN dated 05.07.2021, Source

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