
Special Pay of Head Estimator under rule 5 of WBSR – I

Public Works, ,

The special pay for Head Estimators under the rule 5(33)(b) of WBSR Pt. I, shall be revised to Rs. 120/- p.m. w.e.f. 01.01.86 in relaxation of provisions under WBS(ROPA) Rules, 90.

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department

No. 226-E/1P-21/99. Date: 1.03.2006.


In terms of Finance Department (Audit Branch) Memo No. 1628-F dated. 24.02.2006, the undersigned is directed to say that on careful consideration, the governor has been pleased to decide that the special pay of Rs. 60/- p.m. for Head Estimators as was already declared under Fin. Deptt. Memo No. 1032-F dt. 28.01.86 read with Memo No. 10246-F dt. 08.09.89 as special pay under the rule 5(33)(b) of WBSR Pt. I, shall be revised to Rs. 120/- p.m. w.e.f. 01.01.86 in relaxation of provisions contained in Sl. No. 4 under Group-A of Part-E of Schedule-I of WBS (ROPA) Rules ’90.

The Governor is further pleased to declare that in terms of F.D. Memo No. 7571-F dt. 02.11.98 the said special pay of Rs. 120/- p.m. shall be treated as Additional Remuneration w.e.f. 01.01.96.

The overdrawals so far made by the Head Estimators on account of treatment of this special pay in the nature of special pay under rule 5(28) of W.B.S.R. – I instead of treating it as special pay under rule 5(33)(b) of W.B.S.R. – I shall be waived.

Sd/- S.K. Chakraborty
Deputy Secretary-I
Public Works Department

No. 226-E dated 01.03.2006