State Government has decided to develop a unified State Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) Portal with assistance from National Informatics Centre (NIC), West Bengal to cover all DBT schemes managed by the State Government.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
Nabanna, Howrah
No. 3586-F(Y) Dated- 31.08.2022
Subject: Creation of State DBT Cell and Steering Committee for Management of Beneficiary Schemes being implemented by the State Government through development of a Unified State DBT Portal
Creation of a State DBT Cell
For better management of all Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) based beneficiary schemes being implemented by the Government of West Bengal, the Finance Department for some time past was considering development of a unified direct beneficiary portal. This will facilitate the citizen to avail services of all DBT Schemes from registration to disbursement from one single portal. Currently only a few pensions related DBT schemes are managed under the Jai Bangla portal.
Accordingly, the State Government has decided to develop a unified State DBT Portal with assistance from National Informatics Centre (NIC), West Bengal to cover all DBT schemes managed by the State Government.
A State Development Schemes- e Governance Cell (SDS -eGov) was constituted vide Finance Department order no 944-F(H) dated 27.02.2020 for online real time management, monitoring and control of various development schemes.
Considering the increasing coverage of the scope of work relating to development, management and monitoring of all DBT schemes managed by the State Government, the Governor is pleased to re-constitute the existing SDS-eGov Cell as the State DBT Cell under Finance Department.
The State DBT Cell will perform the following functions:
The existing SDS-eGov Cell will be reconstituted as the State DBT Cell with the following Officials:
Creation of a Steering Committee
For development of the Unified State DBT Portal, the State Government has also decided to form a Steering Committee with members from the major departments which are implementing beneficiary schemes.
The Steering Committee will be constituted as under:
The Steering Committee will supervise the creation and maintenance of the Unified State DBT Portal (Single Social Registry) and also provide necessary advisory for successful implementation of the beneficiary schemes. The Steering Committee will periodically review the status and progress of the development of the portal including accommodation of new beneficiary schemes in the portal.
Members from other Departments may be inducted as per decision of the Steering Committee. .
Data Sharing and Exchange Protocols:
As it is conceived that large amount of data will be stored and shared among different implementing departments with the central data base for implementation of the Unified State DBT Portal , to ensure security and safety aspect of the digital data, it has been decided that storage and sharing of data for the extant purpose shall be followed by the provisions as contained in the West Bengal State Public Transactional Data Sharing Guidelines, 2020 vide No. 587-Estt/ITE-20012/2/2020 dated 28.12.2020 as well as the West Bengal State Electronic Data Centre Storage Sharing and Electronic Data Retention Guidelines, 2020 issued under No. 588-Estt/ITE-20012/2/2020 dated 28.12.2020, issued by the Department of Information Technology and Electronics.
This will take immediate effect.
Dr. Manoj Pant
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal