
Casual Worker

Here goes all Govt. Notifications related to Casual Employees/ Daily rated Workers/ Contractual Employee; about their regularization, leave, Provident Fund, Health Scheme etc.

Ad-hoc Bonus to Contractual Employees under Health, 2013-14

Contractual employees engaged in various health programme under West Bengal State Health & Family Welfare Samiti will be eligible for drawing ad-hoc bonus maximum upto Rs. 3,000/-

Further Ad-hoc increase in Wages of Daily Rated Workers, 2014

A further ad-hoc increase in the existing daily rate of wages by Rs. 13/- only with effect from January 01, 2014 for the daily rated workers under the Governor whose wages are not regulated by any statutory provisions like the Minimum Wages Act, etc.

Community Health Care Management Initiative – Remuneration

Revision of remuneration of employees engaged on contract for implementing Community Health Care Management Initiative (CHCMI) under State Public Health Cell of P&RD Department with effect from 01.04.2013.

Engagement of Software Personnel in e-Governance Project on Temporary Basis

Engagement of Software Personnel for a project shall be assessed by the concerned HOD/ Directorate in consultation with NIC or IT Department.

Remuneration of Casual/ Daily Rated/ Contractual Workers, 2013

The number of years of engagement will be determined as on 01.04.2013. All other terms and conditions will same as in Finance Department’s Memo No. 9008-F(P), dated 16th September, 2011.

Village Police Volunteer under West Bengal Police

Governor has been pleased to accord approval for creation and filling up of 3351 posts of Village Police Volunteer under West Bengal Police for deployment in Gram Panchayet areas at a daily wage of Rs. 310/- for 22 days in a month.

Daily Wages Rate for Casual Drivers of BT Vans

Casual drivers of B. T. Vans provided by NACO in Kolkata and other districts of West Bengal on daily wage basis @ Rs. 227/- per day not exceeding 26 days in a month on the basis of their monthly working statement.

Rates of Daily Wages of Daily-Rated Workers, 2013

Rates of daily wages of daily-rated workers under the Government whose wages are not regulated by any of the Statutory provisions like the Minimum Wages Act, etc.

Appointment of Group – D Post on Consolidated Remuneration

Directly fill up maximum of 3000 vacancies of Group ‘D’ on contract basis in different departments on consolidated contractual remuneration as per the provisions in Memo. No. 9008-F(P) dt. 16.09.2011.

Parity in Monthly Consolidated Remunerations under Samities

All contractual employees engaged in different programmes under the WBSH&FWS will be grouped in identical categories considering their designation and nature of duty and responsibilities assigned to their designation.

Detailed Head for Consolidated Pay to a Contracted Person

The charge will be debitable to the detailed head 02-Wages, whereas for payment towards professional and Special Services, the charge will be debited under ’28-Payment of Professional and Special Services-02-Other Charges’.

Head of Account for Consolidated Pay/ Remuneration of Contractual Employees

The charge for payment will be debitable under the detailed head 28 payment of professional and special services-02-other charges subordinate to relevant Major Head of Account of the budget.

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