
Education Act

Acts and Rules relating to School Education, Madrasah Education, Technical and Vocational Education, Higher Secondary Education, Higher Education etc.

Freeing Schools from Political Influence in West Bengal

No students of any Government schools or Government recognised aided or unaided school shall take part in any political activity or join any political rally within or outside the school premises during school hours.

Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009

Special provisions for children not admitted to, or who have not completed, elementary education, Right of transfer to other school.

West Bengal Primary Education Act, 1973

An Act to make better provisions for the development, expansion, management and control of primary education with a view to making it universal, free and compulsory.

West Bengal School Service Commission Act with all Amendments

West Bengal School Service Commission Act is to provide for the constitution of Regional School Service Commissions and a Central School Service Commission in West Bengal and for matters connected.

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