
Excel Utility

Download different Excel Utility which are useful for West Bengal Govt. Employees.

Simple Superannuation Pension

Simple Superannuation Pension calculates all related calculations for superannuation case only. This will also prepare Single Comprehensive Form including forwarding letter.

Provident Fund A/c Calculator as per Enhanced Rate

As the rate of interest is not uniform throughout the financial year, a new P.F. Account calculator has been created which will perfectly calculate the interest and generate the Account slip.

New Salary Bill Calculator in EXCEL (SSS400)

This excel utility can be used for preparation of Salary bill up to 400 employees of Govt. of West Bengal and its 100% automatic like COSA.

All in One Bill Calculator

All in One Bill Calculator can prepare various Arrear Bills, Retirement Bills, Bills for Death case, Leave Salary, Gratuity etc. in a Single Excel Utility. It fills Head of Accounts, automatically.

Pay Fixation Calculator

If the date of promotion is between 2nd July to 1st January, the fixation should be made on the same date of promotion. No need to file any option and the promotee will get normal annual increment in each year.

Leave Salary Calculator in Excel

Leave Salary Calculator for the West Bengal Govt. Employee on superannuation. This utility automatically prepare Bill Inner Sheet, Bill Outer Sheet, Bill Extract, Input Statement, Annexure etc. complete in all respect upon details of input in a single sheet.

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