Finance Department, Government of West Bengal introduced on-line receipt of Tax and Non-Tax revenue through Government Receipt Portal System or GRIPS Portal.
Guidelines on calculation of penal interest chargeable on Agency Banks for delayed remittances of Government Receipts into Government Account.
Governor is pleased to include the facility for receipts under deduct recovery heads for recovery of overpayments pertaining to all departments under a new service Recovery of overpayment in GRIPS.
Modalities of receipt of funds into deposit accounts maintained at various treasuries/ PAO’s through GRIPS using inter-treasury transfer of fund mechanism
Considering the substantial expansion in the scope and ambit of online collection of receipts through GRIPS, the government for some time past has been contemplating to upgrade the existing GRIPS to provide additional facilities.
Online application with e-payment of fees and taxes for registration of motor vehicles by the dealers – Applicable for Non-transport vehicles like cars and two wheelers only.
Transport Department has made substantial progress in the rolling out of e-Vahan along with integration of the same with e-payment of Motor Vehicle Taxes, etc. on the GRIPS platform.
List of Participating Banks to accept payments of Government Revenues and Deposits – both online and off-line (Over the Counter) through GRIPS.
Revised procedure of reporting and accounting of GRIPS transactions on incorporation of GRIPS in IFMS and integration with e-Kuber Portal of the Reserve Bank of India.
GRIPS is being integrated with IFMS and is going to be rolled out as a Module of Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) on and from 31st October, 2016.
Withdrawal Procedure of the fund from head (8443-00-116-002-07) for payment to the Labour Department/ Transport Workers’ Welfare Board of the State Government.