Mid Day Meal
Mid Day Meal Scheme is the popular name for school meal program in India which started in 1960. It involves provision of lunch free of cost to school children on all working days.
Mid Day Meal Scheme is the popular name for school meal program in India which started in 1960. It involves provision of lunch free of cost to school children on all working days.
The distribution of Mid Day Meal would continue in all the schools maintaining all COVID-19 norms and protocols as is done during COVID-19 pandemic.
Age-appropriate discussion with students by the teachers should be encourage to make students aware of there safety needs, precaution to be taken and to make deference between good or bad touch/ conversation.
The Headmaster/ Headmistress/ Teacher in charge will oversee the Mid-Day Meal scheme (MDMS) so as to ensure its proper and uninterrupted functioning in the schools.
As per Supreme Court’s direction it is mandatory for all eligible school, the teachers and the Government officials attached to School Education Department to implement and supervise the Cooked Mid-Day Meal Scheme.
Guidelines on duties and responsibilities of various officials connected with distribution and monitoring of Mid Day Meal in the State of West Bengal.
Distributors/ carrying contractors of Food and Supplies Department will lift food grains/ rice under Mid-Day-Meal Scheme for transportation from nearest FCI godown to every school.
Rate of Cooking Cost per child per school day as provided by the Central Government and State Government (under 60:40) has been revised with effect from 01.07.2016
Nearly 25% of schools continue to prepare the mid-day meal either in an open area or in the classrooms, which raises serious food safety issues. It is important to ensure that schools have proper facilities to cook meals.
Every child within the age group of six to fourteen years studying in classes I to VIII who enroll and attend the school, shall be provided meal free of charge every day except on school holidays.
MDM will be served on all school days including Saturdays. If No. of approved days exceeds, Nodal Officer may approach the State Govt. with evidence for additional fund and foodgrains.
The rate of Cooking Cost per child per school day (PCPD) as provided by the Central Government and State Government has been revised with effect from 01.07.2014.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (L.P.G.) is considered to be safe, economic, time-saving and smoke-free fuel for cooking Mid-day Meal in school. The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). Govt. of India insists on use of LPG under Cooked Mid-day Meal Programme (CMDMP).