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Pay & Accounts

There are 2 Principal Accountant’s General offices and 1 Accountant’s General Office located in Kolkata each having separate work jurisdiction and responsibilities as regards state Accounts and Audit.

Submission of Bills in Treasuries during Resurgence of Pandemic COVID-19

Only those e-Bills and Advices, having Bill/ Memo Date on or after 10.01.2022, shall be received through the system in online mode, without physical copies, by the Treasuries/ Pay & Accounts Offices.

Physical Submission of Bills in Treasuries/ PAOs w.e.f 01.11.2021

Governor is pleased to decide that from 01.11.2021 the Treasuries/ Pay and Accounts Offices will start following the usual process of receiving Physical Bills and Advices following physical distancing norms and appropriate health & hygiene protocols.

Drawal of Bills in Anticipation of Allotment of Fund for Financial Year, 2021-22

State Government has decided to allow acceptance of the following categories of bills by Treasuries/ PAOs in anticipation of allotment of fund for the period from 01.04.2021 to 30.06.2021 in the next financial year 2021-22.

Guidelines for Presenting Bills at Treasury/ PAO, 2020-2021

a. Bills returned/objected before 16.03.2021 shall be resubmitted by 19.03.2021. b. Bills returned/objected during the period from 16.03.2021 to 19.03.2021 must be resubmitted by 24.03.2021. c. Bills returned between 20.03.2021 and 26.03.2021 must be resubmitted on the very next day. d. Bills returned on 30.03.2021 & 31.03.2021 must be resubmitted by 4 PM on the same day of objection.

Physical Submission of Bills in Treasuries/ PAOs w.e.f 01.02.2021

Government offices in West Bengal have resumed their normal function, so, physical submission and processing of all bills and advices in Treasuries and Pay and Accounts Offices will be resumed w.e.f 01.02.2021.

Drawal of Bills in Anticipation of Allotment of Fund for the year, 2020-21

State Government has decided to allow acceptance of the following categories of bills by Treasuries/ PAOs in anticipation of allotment of fund both in the remaining part of current Financial Year 19-20 (till 31.03.2020) and in the next Financial Year 20-21.

Providing Essential Treasury related Services during Lockdown

During this period priority shall be processing of the urgent bills related to essential services like Health, Fire and emergency, Police, Civil Defence, Bills related to Salary, Wages, Pension, Social Assistance Schemes, Scholarships, payment of agencies providing Security/ Housekeeping/ Conservancy/ Man power supply, etc.

Discontinuation of Issuance of Cheque by Treasuries/ PAOs

Discontinuation of issuance of cheque from different deposit accounts for depositing the General Provident Fund/ Provident Fund subscription in the Treasury Linked Bank.

Implementation of Cheque Truncation System (CTS)

Cheque Truncation System of movement of digital images of the cheques from the link Banks to the PAOs/Treasuries for accounting of the same and from the PAOs/Treasuries to the Office of the Accountant General along with monthly accounts.

Guidelines for Payment of Bills of Works/ Forest Departments

Every bill drawn in TR Form No. 70 against such Project IDs would be charged against the approved project cost. Enhancement of approved project cost may be made after due approval of competent authority.

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