Computerisation of GPF Statement in Schools
Schools authorities are to submit the G.P.F. Ledger of school along with all the staff of the school upto the end of the financial year 2013 to their respective sub-divisional office within 15th December, 2013 due to computerisation of G.P.F. statement of each individual staff of the school.
Final Payment of GPF on Retirement – Forwarding to AG Office
D.D.O’s and Heads of offices are requested to forward all the final payment cases of the retiring employees to the A.G. Office immediately after compulsory stoppage of G.P.F. subscriptions.
Issue of GPF Account Slips to Group D Employees
This is a statutory responsibility of the DDOs to issue of GPF account slips to Group-D employees immediately after the end of financial year.
Refund of Money deposited to GPF or Suspense Head of Account
The Head of office shall submit an application to the O/o. the Accountant General (A&E) West Bengal requesting them to confirm the amount credited in the account of the concerned Officer under the head ‘8658’.
Rate of Interest on GPF during the year 2012-13
GPF interest at the rate of 8.8% (eight point eight per cent) per annum. This rate will be in force during the financial year beginning on 1st April, 2012.
Refund of Money Deposited to GPF/ Suspense Head – Procedure
Procedure for refund of money Deposited to GPF Account or Suspense Head of Account in respect of the Officers of All India Services covered under New Pension Scheme.
Change of Rate of GPF Subscriptions
Provided that when the amount of subscription is so enhanced/reduced, it shall be within the limit of minimum 6% and maximum 100% of the emolument of the subscriber.
Provident Fund A/c Calculator as per Enhanced Rate
As the rate of interest is not uniform throughout the financial year, a new P.F. Account calculator has been created which will perfectly calculate the interest and generate the Account slip.
Rate of Interest on GPF during the year 2011-12
GPF, CPF, CPFE shall carry interest at the rate of 8% (eight per cent) for the period from 1.4.2011 to 30.11.2011 and 8.6% (eight point six per cent) w.e.f. 01.12.2011.
Further Steps to Streamline the GPF Works
Sanctioning Authority will sent the attested amount mentioning subscriptions, recoveries and withdrawals during the period uncovered in the A.G’s statement along with the sanctioning order to the Drawing and Disbursing Officer.
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