Guidelines in relation to Submission of Arrear and Salary Bill
It has been observed that a number of schools is submitting salary requisition (online) after due date, hence it is reminded once again to submit salary bills within 10th of a month with hard copies to be submitted within 15th of a month.
Clarifications of ROPA, 2009
If promotion to higher post involves assumption of duties and responsibilities of greater importance, a Government employee for such promotion will get the benefit of 3 percent increment in terms of Rule 11 of the WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2009, even though Grade Pay of the officiating promotion post is lower than the ‘Grade Pay’ drawn by him for holding higher non-functional scale(s).
Fixation of Pay of all Principals/ TIC
All proposal for fixation of the Principals who have joined on or before 01/01/2006 vide memo no. Ed-153/2013 dated 06/03/2013 to Addl. D P I.
Scale movement of Officers of West Bengal State Constituted Service
Officers belonging to West Bengal State Constituted Services in scale no. 16 to move to pre-revised scale no. 19 after completion of 25 years of service.
Error in Ready Reckoner of WBS (ROPA), 1998
Revised Scale No. 10 should be read as Rs. 4,650/- instead of Rs. 4,800/- in West Bengal Service Revision of Pay and Allowances Rules, 1998.
Final 50% Arrear Payment in School Education Department
Remaining 50% of the third installment of arrear due to ROPA Rules 2009, will be paid to the approved teaching and non-teaching employees of recognized Government Aided/ Sponsored Educational institutions and Madrashas.
Revision of Scales to the Sub-ordinate Labour Services
On the basis of unrevised pay in the unrevised pay scale under W.B.S. (ROPA) Rules, 1990, pay is to be fixed in the revised scale as is allowed vice Finance Department Memo No. 2540-F(P) dated 05.04.2010.
Modification of Promotional Fixation for Identical Scale of Pay
Due to loss of pay occurred in some cases after fixation in terms of the said Memo and due to non-availability of promotional fixation for identical scale of pay, the question of review of the same has been under consideration of the Government.
Final 50% Arrear Payment to Other than State Govt. Employees
Remaining 50% of the third instalment of arrear of ROPA ’09, will be paid to the Other than State Government employees in the month of September, 2012.
Final 50% Arrear Payment to State Govt. Employees
Remaining 50% of the third instalment of arrear already calculated as per item no. 6 of Memo No. 2728-F, dated 07.04.2009 will be paid to the State Govt employees in September, 2012.
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