
Guidelines in relation to Submission of Arrear and Salary Bill

School Education, , 👁️ 497

It has been observed that a number of schools is submitting salary requisition (online) after due date, hence it is reminded once again to submit salary bills within 10th of a month with hard copies to be submitted within 15th of a month.

Govt. of West Bengal
Office of the District Inspector of Schools
(S.E), Jalpaiguri

Memo No: 1305/GA Date: 23.10.2013

Office Memorandum

Sub: Guidelines in relation with office work.

i) The Payment of salary of Teaching/ Non Teaching employees of Jalpaiguri district now has been processed online w.e.f 01.08.2013. As a result of that it has been observed that a number of schools is submitting salary requisition (online) after due date (i.e. after 10th of a month), thus it is getting extremely difficult for this office to processed the bill in time, hence it is reminded once again to submit salary bills within 10th of a month with hard copies to be submitted within 15th of a month. While finalizing salary bills online HOI’s are requested to keep in mind that once the bill is finalized, that can’t be modified without the permission of the U/S. In some cases it has also been noticed that the HOI’s are not finalizing the bills, thus it is once again reminded to make sure of the same before logging out.

ii) It has been also observed that the salary bill of a new employee (Appointed through WBRSSC/ Deputation/ Short Term Vacancy/ Mutual Transfer whatever be the reason) is getting deferred due to late approval, as a result large amount of Arrear salary occurs. To get rid of this situation the S.A is requested to upload the profile of a new Employee within 3(three) days from his/ her joining and approval to be sought from the U/S within 7 (seven) days from his/her joining with requisite papers. It is also clarified that arrear due to late approval for a fraction of not more than 15 days may be claimed with current months bill.

iii) As it has been reported to the U/S that a large number of arrear bills are pending with this Inspectorate. The H.O.I’s are requested to submit arrear bills (if any) to this office as per proforma and papers mentioned in G.O. No. 369 Date: 24/1/2007 even if submitted earlier within 30.11.2013. Such bills are to be submitted directly to Sri. H.C. Roy H.C.C.C. (Please Turn over for the proforma).

iv) In case of alteration of Salary (Increase /Decrease) in respect of any employee for any reason the cause of such alteration to be mentioned in the hard-copy of the bill with RED-INK.

v) In case of cessation of employment (Due to death/ resignation/ transfer/ retirement/VRS/ incapacitation/end of deputation). The salary of that employee for the next month to be prepared zero. The cause of cessation of employment to be mentioned with the request to stop his/her salary w.e.f the next day of his/ her cessation .

vi) Overdrawal amount either be adjusted from Salary or be deposited through T.R.NO.7 to S.B.I after getting it passed from this Inspectorate. In case of later following papers are to be submitted with T.R.7, Overdrawal Statement mentioning the reason thereof, resolution, prayer of the incumbent concern, forwarding letter.

vii) In case of Mutual Transfer, Salary to be paid upto the date of release of the incumbent concern not for full month repeat upto the date of release .________.

viii) The S.A. is requested to mention U-DISE code, Memo No., Date in every correspondence as this Inspectorate has initiated “ELECTRONIC FILE TRACKING SYSTEM” to be effected from 01.11.2013.

Above guidelines to be followed in TOTO.

District Inspector of Schools (S.E),

No. 1305/GA dated 23.10.2013