
Service Rule

Dismissal, Removal and Suspension of Govt. Employee

Disciplinary authority issue a final order dismissing the charged officer from service. Any kind of leave may not be granted under suspension.

West Bengal Service (Duties, Rights and Obligations) Rules, 1980

No employee shall go on strike without giving notice of at least 14 days. For public utility services (running of hospitals, Fire brigades, Drinking water supply, Milk supply, Ration shops) the period is 30 days.

West Bengal Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules

West Bengal Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1971 govern the disciplinary action against the employees of West Bengal Government. A detailed procedure for holding enquiry and imposing penalty by the disciplinary authority is defined here.

West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowance) Rules, 2009

Clarifications, Modification of West Bengal Revision of Pay and Allowance, 2009 for State Government Employees, Teachers of School Education Department.

West Bengal Service Rules Part – I and Part – II

General Conditions of Service, Appointment, Occupation of Government Residence, Pay Fixation, Joining Time, Leave Rules, Retirement, Pensionary Benefits etc. are described in West Bengal Service Rules.

West Bengal Services Driver, Grade-I and II Recruitment Rules, 2009

These rules shall apply to recruitment to the posts of Driver, Grade-I and Driver, Grade-II in the secretariat department, Directorates and in regional offices (in districts including Kolkata).

West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992

An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to prisons and persons detained therein in West Bengal. Establishment of different categories of correctional home, Functions of correctional homes.

West Bengal Services Recruitment of English Typists Rules, 2008

Governor is pleased to make the following amendments in the West Bengal Services Recruitment of English Typists (Basic Grade) Rules, 2008 issued with this Department notification No. 8135-F dated 03.11.2008.

West Bengal College Teachers (Security of Service) Act, 1975

An Act to provide for the security of service of teachers of affiliated, constituent and Government Sponsored Colleges in West Bengal.

West Bengal Service (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Rules, 1971

WBS DCRB Rules, 1971. Short title and commencement, Application, Interpretation, Relaxation of these rules, Power to give directions, Pension regulated by rules in force.

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