
West Bengal Services (Recruitment to Clerical Cadre) Rules – Amendment

Finance, Public Service Commission, , 👁️ 936

Amendments in the West Bengal Services (Recruitment to Clerical Cadre) Rules, 2010, issued by the Finance Department Notification No. 7165-F(P), dated 01.07.2010.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 9145-F(P), Dated: 9.11.2012


In exercise of the power conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased hereby to make, with immediate effect, the following amendments in the West Bengal Services (Recruitment to Clerical Cadre) Rules, 2010, issued with this department notification No. 7165-F(P), dated the 1st day of July, 2010 and published in the Kolkata Gazette, Extraordinary, PART I (hereinafter referred to as the said rules):


In the said rules, –

(1) in rule 3, for clause (a), substitute the following Clause :-

“(a) Commission means the Public Service Commission, West Bengal, or the West Bengal Staff Selection Commissions, constituted under the West Bengal Staff Selection Commission Act, 2011 (West Ben. Act XVII of 2011), as the case may be.”;

(2) for rule 5. substitute the following rule :-

5. Method of recruitment: (1) Except as provided in sub-rules (2) and (3) of this rule,

(a) the posts of Lower Division Assistants and posts similar to Lower Division Assistants in the Secretariat, Directorates and certain other offices shall be filled up by selection (direct recruitment) through a competitive examination to be held by the Public Service Commission, West Bengal; and

(b) the posts of Lower Division Assistants or the posts of Lower Division Clerks and the posts similar to Lower Division Assistants or Lower Division Clerks in other District offices and Other Regional offices of the Government of West Bengal to which these rules apply, shall be filled up by selection (direct recruitment) through a competitive examination conducted by the West Bengal Staff Selection Commission.”;

(3) in rule 6, for clause (ii). substitute the following clause:-

“(ii) acquisition of elementary knowledge in Computer operation with the ability of Typing on Computer at the speed of 35 words per minutes in English and 25 words per minute in Bengali from a reputed organization for a period not less than 6 (six) months”;

(4) for rule7, substitute the following rule :-

7. Age: The age for direct recruitment shall be not less than 18 years and not more than 40 years on the 1st day of January of the year of advertisement.”;

(5) in rule 8. for clause (b), substitute the following clause:-

“(b) Group B- Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali carrying 50 marks each for Group – A and Group – B. The duration of Part I Examination shall be 1 &1/2 hours and duration of Part-II Examination shall be 1 hour.”;

(6) after rule 9, insert the following rule :-

9A.(1) – Compulsory passing on elementary knowledge in computer operation and computer typing: After recruitment to the post of The Lower Division Assistants, Lower Division Clerks etc. shall have to pass the examination on elementary knowledge on computer operation and computer typing as per clause (ii) of rule 6 of these rules which will be held twice in every year at half yearly intervals. The Lower Division Assistants/Clerks who will be unable to pass the examination, shall not be entitled to get increment or any other career benefits including promotion or any benefit under (Career Advancement Scheme).

(2) In case of Lower Division Assistants/Clerks being appointed on promotion from Group-D and eligible Group-C employees or otherwise in accordance with rule 5 of the these rules, such Lower Division Assistants/Clerks shall have to pass the examination on elementary knowledge in computer operation and computer typing as mentioned in sub-rule(l). Such Lower Division Assistants/Clerks who will be unable to pass the examination, shall not be entitled to get annual increment and Career benefit as mentioned in sub-rule (1).

(3) Such examination on Computer operation and computer typing shall be conducted by State Government at different places as may be decided by the State Government in the Finance Department from time to time.”

(7) for rule 10, substitute the following rule:

10. Option for posting. – Candidates shall be required to indicate their options in order of preference for vacancies in any two districts including Kolkata of his/her choice, in case of recruitments conducted by the West Bengal Stall’Selection Commission.”.

By order of the Governor,

Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal.

No. 9145-F dated 09.11.2012

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