West Bengal Service Rules #WBSR
Department concerned or the authority or body or institution of self government or any other Public Authority, shall maintain the current status of the applications on its website and shall update it on a daily basis.
Any person arrested or convicted on a charge of having committed or attempting to commit or aiding or abetting the commission of any offence, in furtherance of any political or democratic movement or public agitation, shall be classified as political prisoner.
West Bengal Agricultural Service (Administrative Wing), West Bengal Higher Agricultural Service (Administrative Wing), Ex-cadre posts of Additional Directors and Project Co-coordinator & ex officio Additional Director (Administrative Wing) under the Department of Agriculture.
The West Bengal Right to Public Services Bill 2013 was unanimously passed in the state Assembly to improve public service delivery mechanism and to reduce corruption.
Chairperson shall prepare annual report of Biodiversity Management Committee giving full account of its activities during the previous year and submit a copy to concerned local body by 30th September of each year.
West Bengal Nursing Personnel (Placement on Trainee Reserve) Rules, 2009 shall be applicable for all categories of nursing personnel employed in the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal, and borne in the cadres of the West Bengal Nursing Service, the West Bengal General Service.
West Bengal Services (Secretariat Common Cadres of Deputy Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries) Rules, 1984 shall apply to all Government employees holding in the Secretariat Departments and Offices mentioned in the Schedule the posts borne in the Secretariat Common Cadres formed under rule 4.
The Commission shall thereafter prepare a complete list of all officers liable to appear at the examination and forward copies thereof to the Heads of Departments and Directorates concerned.
Eligible Medical Teachers of the WBMES are required to apply for departmental promotion in different disciplines of WBMES as per the instructions and schedule annexed here with for departmental promotion to the higher academic posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor.
West Bengal Biodiversity Board will advise the State Government on all matters relating to the conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilisation of biological resources.