Swasthya Sathi
Swasthya Sathi is a Group Health Insurance Scheme for Casual/ daily rated/ contractual workers and different Volunteers (e.g. Civic Police/ Green Police/ Village Police).
Swasthya Sathi is a Group Health Insurance Scheme for Casual/ daily rated/ contractual workers and different Volunteers (e.g. Civic Police/ Green Police/ Village Police).
Agreement between State Nodal Agency, Swasthya Sathi, Government of West Bengal and Insurance Company under Swasthya Sathi Scheme.
State Government have introduced a Group Health Insurance Scheme named ‘Swasthya Sathi’ for different categories of worker and volunteer incl. Casual/ Contractual workers.
A State Level Committee is constituted to oversee the implementation of ‘Swasthya Sathi’ for the workers, volunteers engaged in various development programmes.
Swasthya Sathi for workers/ volunteers like the Members of Self Help Groups, Civic Police Volunteers, Green Police Volunteers, Civil Defence Volunteers, Village Police Volunteers at Gram Panchayat, Disaster Management workers, Home Guard/ NVF, ASHA workers, ICDS workers and other Contractual/ Casual/ Daily rated workers.