
Swasthya Sathi

Swasthya Sathi is a Group Health Insurance Scheme for Casual/ daily rated/ contractual workers and different Volunteers (e.g. Civic Police/ Green Police/ Village Police).

Agreement between Swasthya Sathi and Insurance Company

Agreement between State Nodal Agency, Swasthya Sathi, Government of West Bengal and Insurance Company under Swasthya Sathi Scheme.

Implementation of Swasthya Sathi for Contractual Workers

State Government have introduced a Group Health Insurance Scheme named ‘Swasthya Sathi’ for different categories of worker and volunteer incl. Casual/ Contractual workers.

State Level Committee for Swasthya Sathi

A State Level Committee is constituted to oversee the implementation of ‘Swasthya Sathi’ for the workers, volunteers engaged in various development programmes.

Introduction of Group Health Insurance Scheme – Swasthya Sathi

Swasthya Sathi for workers/ volunteers like the Members of Self Help Groups, Civic Police Volunteers, Green Police Volunteers, Civil Defence Volunteers, Village Police Volunteers at Gram Panchayat, Disaster Management workers, Home Guard/ NVF, ASHA workers, ICDS workers and other Contractual/ Casual/ Daily rated workers.

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