Government Rules regarding Tender formalities/ e-Tender Procedure/ Technical Evaluation/ Financial Bid Opening/ Acceptance of Lowest Bidder/ Letter of Indent etc.
Government Rules regarding Tender formalities/ e-Tender Procedure/ Technical Evaluation/ Financial Bid Opening/ Acceptance of Lowest Bidder/ Letter of Indent etc.
Estimates for works originating in districts can only be vetted by the respective Superintending Engineers/ Zonal Chief Engineers.
Guidelines for submission of proposal for financial grant for purchase of books, furnitures, laboratory equipments, computer & its allied instruments, electrical fittings etc. of Government-aided Colleges.
Departmental Financial Advisors will release fund to the Companies, Corporations, Local Bodies and parastatals with effect from 1st September, 2014 only if e-tender norms are properly followed.
Minimum period of time to be given to the bidders for submission of tenders should be counted from the date on which the notice inviting tender including e-tender is actually published in the newspaper(s).
The responsibility for E.S.I., E.P.F., Bonus for the security personnel to be provided by the Security Service Agency will be shouldered by the agency supplying/ engaging the personnel.
Governor is pleased to include the names of Silpa Barta Printing Press Limited, Saraswaty Press Limited and Basumati corporation Limited as agencies to do printing jobs of Government Departments.
GRIPS Challan, as generated by Tender Inviting Authority (TIA) after finalization of the tender processing with the particulars and the amount of deposit, with ‘by default’ account number of the pooling account will be sent by the authority to the SBI via e-mail.
A requisition of fund for first payment as per payment schedule supported by a requisition/bill in format given at Annex. B-1 shall be submitted by the implementing agency to the parent Administrative Department.
Controlling Department may stop releasing fund to those companies, corporations and parastatals, until the e-tender process through the State Government e-tender portal is adopted by them.
All the Departments of the State Government will ensure observance of e-tender process for procurements of and above Rs. 5 lakh by their own office and subordinate offices, as well as companies and corporations under their departmental control.
Guidelines for submission of proposal for financial grant for construction of Building & other Civil Infrastructure of Govt.-aided Colleges for the current financial year, i.e., 2014-2015 for expeditious release/ utilization of Budget Grants.
Care shall be taken to see that splitting up does not technically damage the structural soundness of the work as a whole and where such possibility exists, the work shall not be split up into smaller parts.