Higher Secondary Education
Corrigendum related to Page Limit and Date Schedule regarding Submission and Renewal of Class XI books. The maximum limit for Class XI books as mentioned in vide notification DS(ACA)/PUB/86/92/2013 dt. 26.07.2013 stands cancelled.
Higher Secondary Education
Revised Book Size and Page Limit Specifications for Class XI & XII books and Instructions regarding Renewal of Class XI books with TB NO.
Higher Secondary Education
Subject-wise maximum page limits for Class XII books (2013-2015) and Class XI books (2014-2016) are as follows: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biological Science – 550 pages.
Higher Secondary Education
Books published by WEST BENGAL TEXT BOOK CORPORATION are now available from the GOVERNMENT SALES COUNTER, SARASWATY PRESS LTD., 32, A.P.C. RD., KOLKATA-700009. Phone No. 033-23515846