Travelling Allowance
A Government employee whose duties require him to travel extensively may be granted a permanent monthly travelling allowance subject to certain conditions.
A Government employee whose duties require him to travel extensively may be granted a permanent monthly travelling allowance subject to certain conditions.
If a Government employee travels in a higher class of accommodation by air, rail, ship, bus etc. the reimbursement shall be limited to the fare of the entitled class of accommodation only.
Travelling allowance and Daily allowance admissible to the State Government employees for journeys on tour and transfer according to their Group (Pay Range).
State Govt. employees may be allowed the benefit of leave travel concession once in service career, but the benefit may be availed of by them during the period of five years preceding the actual date of retirement on superannuation.
Travel Concession is admissible to a Government employee and his family once in a year provided his place of posting is 400 km and above from Kolkata.