
Travelling Allowance Rules – Daily Allowance

Finance, , 👁️ 1940

A Government employee on tour will draw daily allowance for the entire absence from Headquarters starting from departure from Headquarters and ending with arrival at Headquarters.

3. Daily Allowance:

I. Subject to the existing provisions in rule 57 of the West Bengal Service Rules, Part-II and in supersession of Finance Department Memo No. 5299-F, dt. 1.6.90, the rates of Daily Allowance are revised as follows:

(A) When the Government employee stays in Government/ Public Sector Guest Houses, Dak Bunglows or make his own arrangements:

Pay RangeOrdinary LocalitiesKolkata, Darjeeling District (except Siliguri Sub-division)
Rs. 16,400 and aboveRs. 135Rs. 260
Rs. 8000 and above but less than Rs. 16,400Rs. 120Rs. 230
Rs. 6500 and above but less than Rs. 8,000Rs. 105Rs. 200
Rs. 4,100 and above but less than Rs. 6,500Rs. 90Rs. 170
Below Rs. 4,100.Rs. 55Rs. 105

(B) When the Government employee stays in a hotel or other establishment providing board and/ or lodging at Scheduled Tariffs:

Pay RangeOrdinary LocalitiesKolkata, Darjeeling District (except Siliguri Sub-division)
Rs. 16,400 and aboveRs. 335Rs. 650
Rs. 8000 and above but less than Rs. 16,400Rs. 225Rs. 505
Rs. 6500 and above but less than Rs. 8,000Rs. 200Rs. 380
Rs. 4,100 and above but less than Rs. 6,500Rs. 130Rs. 245
Below Rs. 4,100.Rs. 65Rs. 125


  1. For the purpose of daily allowance, journey to Salt lake Notified Area will be treated as a journey within the peripheral areas of Kolkata Municipal Corporation. So, special rates of daily allowance which apply now to officers whose Headquarters are not within the limit of Kolkata Municipal Corporation, will also be admissible for journeys to Salt lake to those whose Headquarters are neither at Kolkata nor at Salt Lake.
  2. For journeys to the offices located in Kolkata in connection with official duties from the places like Salt Lake, Dum Dum, Baranagore, Howrah Sadar etc. and vice-versa, no daily allowance will be admissible. Government employees performing such journeys will be entitled to recover the actual expenses only in terms of rule 88 of the West Bengal Service Rules, Part-II irrespective of the distance travelled.

II. Daily allowance for continuous halts:

In modification of rule 73 of the West Bengal Service Rules, Part-II, the admissibility of daily allowance at a place outside Government employees’ headquarters for continuous halts will be as follows:

First 60 daysFull daily allowance
Beyond 60 days and up to 180 daysHalf day allowance
Beyond 180 daysNil

III. T.A. entitlement to the Government employees deputed to undergo a course of Training in India:

In modification of rule 73A of the West Bengal Service Rules, Part-II and in supersession of Finance Department Memo No. 5299-F, dt. 1.6.90 admissibility of daily allowance when an Officer is deputed by the Government for any training/ refresher course or the like within India entirely in the interest of the State, will be as follows:

(i) When the Government employees is deputed for training outside his Headquarters, where board and lodging are not provided:

First 180 days: Full daily allowance;

Beyond180 days: Nil.

Training institutes where board and lodging facility exist:

First 30 days: Full daily allowance;

Next 150 days: Half daily allowances.

Note: The existence of board and lodging facilities at particular training center would also include cases where a messing-system available at the centre is run on co-operative basis.

(ii) In all cases of Government sponsored training programmes which are residential, and where board and lodging at the Training Institute are compulsory and provided at fixed rates, a special allowance in lieu of daily allowance will be admissible to Government employees deputed to undergo such training courses. The special allowance, irrespective of the period of the training courses, will be calculated as follows:

Outstation participants: Actual expenditure on board and lodging plus daily allowance at 25% of the rate admissible for the place of halt.

Local participants: Actual expenditure on board and lodging only.


  1. The term “board and lodging charges at fixed rates” will mean and include the expenditure on working lunch, breakfast, tea etc. as well a lodging charges as are borne by the Training Institute as per prescribed rates.
  2. In residential training programmes, the participants who are specially permitted to stay outside the Training Institute will be eligible to draw only the daily allowance, if any, admissible to them under normal T.A. rules.

4. Payment of Incidental charges abolished:

The journey system of paying incidental to cover on the way expenses for journeys by rail, steamer, road or by air under rules 37A, 38, 42, 49 and 54 of the West Bengal Service Rules, Part – II is hereby abolished. A Government employee on tour will henceforth draw the actual fare for journeys by rail, sea or air, or the revised rates of road mileage, as the case may be, and in addition draw daily allowance for the entire absence from Headquarters starting from departure from Headquarters and ending with arrival at Headquarters to cover both on the way expenses as well as expenses for halt at out-station.

5. Local journey redefined:

In partial modification of rule 71B of the West Bengal Service Rules, Part – II, the term ‘local journey’ shall henceforth be construed to mean a journey to a temporary duty point beyond 8 kms. From the permanent duty point at Headquarters but within a radius of 20 kms. thereof.


  1. For such local journeys other conditions remaining the same, a Government employee shall draw, for journey involved, mileage allowance and in addition draw 50% of daily allowance calculated at the rates laid down in rule 71A of the West Bengal Service Rules, Part – II i.e. where the absence from Headquarters is far less than twelve hours but exceeding six hours and exceeding twelve hours at 35% and 50% respectively of the normal rate of daily allowance.
  2. No travelling allowance or daily allowance shall be admissible for the local journeys to the same temporary duty point beyond 60 days.
  3. Unless it is expressly allowed by the Government by any special order, halt i.e. night-halt shall not be allowed for performing duties at the out-station falling within the jurisdiction of local journeys.

6. Journey by Government Vehicles:

Regarding use of Government Vehicles and admissibility of daily allowance the provisions laid down in the “State Government decision” under Note 6 below rule 157 of West Bengal Service Rules, Part – II shall be modified as follows:

“Government vehicles should not be used between places connected by Railway except with the prior approval of the Controlling Officer, who will accord such approval only in the exigencies of public service and after having due regard to the need for performing the journey by Government vehicle.”