West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board is empowered to conduct Common Entrance Examinations for selection of candidates for admission to undergraduate and postgraduate Professional, Vocational and General Degree Courses in the State of West Bengal.
Guidelines for admission to the vacant seats through Decentralized Counseling (Institute Level) at Degree Level Engineering, Technology, Architecture and Pharmacy Courses after completion of the e-counseling in 2023 for the academic year 2023-2024
Declaration of Local Holiday on 20th July, 2016, the date of holding West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (Medical), 2016.
Governor has been pleased to direct that 20th July 2016 is hereby declared as local holidays and the regular academic and other activities in the schools shall remain closed.
Governor has been pleased to direct the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board to conduct the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations (Medical), 2016.
Governor is pleased to direct West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board to conduct the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations, 2016 on 17th May, 2016.
WBJEEB will conduct Common Entrance Examination for admission to UG Courses in Medical, Dental, Engineering & Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture.
5th and 6th May, 2015 are declared as local holidays but all teachers and staff required for invigilation and other duties will attend on those days.