Accountant General, West Bengal, Finance, Pension đī¸ 794
During the scrutiny of pension cases received from different Pension sanctioning Authorities (PSA) it is noticed that some of the cases are being sent under the signature of PSA but without proper stamp/ seal.
No. 37-F(Pen)/N/F-1P-254/2023 Dated, Kolkata the 15th January, 2024
From: The Additional Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal.
To: Pension Sanctioning Authorities (All)
Government of West Bengal
Sub: Submission of pension cases to the Office of the Principal A.G(A&E), WB with proper stamp/ seal on pension documents.
Sir/ Madam,
I am directed to forward herewith the Letter No. Pen.Co-ordn./213 Vol.X/4 Vol. XVI/576 dt. 06.11.2023, which is self explanatory, received from Sr. Dy Accountant General (Pension), for taking necessary action from your end.
You are, accordingly, requested to authenticate by proper stamp/ seal of PSA in all pension documents, such as Single Comprehensive Form (SCF) or sanction of any other nature (i.e. Annexure-III), etc. and also to ensure authentication with stamp/ seal by the Drawing and Disbursing Officer in annexure to G.O. No. 1315-F (Pen) dated 14/10/1996 (i.e. pay certificate as well as statement for recoveries of loans and advances), before sending to A.G. (A&E), W.B, so that the pension cases are not returned causing inordinate delay for final settlement and the purpose and spirit of the Memo No. 1315-F(Pen) dt. 14.10.1996 is maintained.
This may be treated as extremely significant.
Enclo: As stated.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Additional Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal
Indian Audit And Accounts Department
Principal Accountant General (A & E), West Bengal
Treasury Buildings, 2, Government Place West, Kolkata – 700 001
Phone: (033) 2213 8000, Fax: (033) 2248-7849
e-mail: Web Site:
No: Pen.Co-ordn./213 Vol.X/4 Vol. XVI/576 Dated: 06.11.2023
Shri Sujoy Acharyya,
Additional Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal,
Finance Department, Pension Branch,
Writers Buildings,
Subject: Authentication of pension documents
This office is in process of risk analysis and assessment of vulnerabilities in pension case processing. In order to rule out the possibilities of any fraudulent transaction in pension processing various internal control mechanism are being implemented at this end.
In this connection, it is to mention that during the scrutiny of pension cases received from different Pension sanctioning Authorities (PSA) it is noticed that some of the cases are being sent under the signature of PSA but without proper stamp/ seal. To ensure the authenticity the pension case forwarding authority it is requested to disseminate to all Pension Sanctioning Authorities that in absence of stamp/ seal of Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA) in Single Comprehensive Form (SCF) or in sanction of any other nature (i.e. Annexure-III) as well as in absence of stamp/ seal of Drawing and Disbursing Officer in annexure to G.O. No. 1315-F (Pen) dated 14/10/1996 (i.e. pay certificate as well as statement for recoveries of loans and advances), pension cases would be returned to the PSA.
Suitable action in this regard is sincerely solicited.
Yours faithfully,
Sr. Deputy Accountant General (Pension)