
Implementation of Suo Motu disclosure under Sec 4 of RTI Act, 2005

Finance, 👁️ 187

No suo motu disclosure under R T I Act is made. Copy of Circulars/ Orders issued from Audit Branch are sent to R.T.I. Cell. However, it will be sent to the concerned Joint Secretary/ Deputy Secretary of Finance Department for uploading in the Departmental Website.

Government of West Bengal
Finance (Audit) Department
A.P.S. Cell
131/A, B.B. Ganguly Street, Top (4th) floor,
Kolkata-700 012

No. 38-A.P.S./APS/1R-2/14 Date: 19.03.2014

From: OSD & EO Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal.

To: Sri Mobaswer Ali Baidya,
Special Secretary to the Government of West Bengal,
Finance Department,
Right to lnformation(R.T.I.) Cell,
Nabanna, Mandirtala, 325, Sarat Chatterjee Road,
Howrah – 711102.

Subject: Implementation of Suo Motu disclosure under Section 4 of R.T.I. Act, 2005 – issue of guidelines regarding.


With reference to your letter no. 225-F(RTI)-65/13 dated 28.05.2013 endorsed to this Department, I am directed to inform that no suo motu disclosure under R T I Act is made by this Branch. Copy of Circulars/ Orders issued from this Branch are sent to R.T.I. Cell. However, copy of Circulars/ Orders as will be issued from this Branch will be sent to the concerned Joint Secretary/ Deputy Secretary of Finance Department for uploading in the Departmental Website.

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- OSD & EO Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.

No. 38-A.P.S. dated 19.03.2014, Source

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