
Suspension of Classes during Higher Secondary Examination, 2019

Higher Secondary Education, 👁️ 170

All other classes will be suspended for the days of examination for those Institutions where both H.S Examination and Class XI Annual Examination will be held.

West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
Vidyasagar Bhavan
9/2, Block DJ, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 91

No: L/PR/14/2019 Date: 06.02.2019


Attention: All Heads/ T.I.Cs of all Higher Secondary Institutions

All Heads of HS Institutions are requested to note the following points/ regulations in regard to H.S Examination, 2019.

1) All other classes will be suspended for the days of examination for those Institutions where both H.S Examination and Class XI Annual Examination will be held.

2) The school authority will decide to suspend the classes for the entire day or for the 2nd half only on the basis of the situation at those Institutions where only the Class XI Annual Examination will be held in the 2nd half of the school hour.

3) The schools which have been ordered to spare their teachers for invigilation and other functions in other examination centres should try to continue normal classes with other teachers, if possible.

Sd/- President

No. L/PR/14 dated 06.02.2019, Source