
Timeline of Pre-matric, Post-matric and MCM Scholarship, 2015

Madrasah Education, 👁️ 196

Extension of last date for submission of applications under the Schemes of Pre-matric Scholarship, Post-matric Scholarship and Merit-cum Means based Scholarship for students belonging to the minority communities for the year 2015-16.


F. No. 5/1/2015-SS
Government of India
Ministry of Minority Affairs

11th Floor, Paryavaran Bhavan,
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi-110003
Dated: 25th August, 2015

The Principal Secretaries/Secretaries
Dealing with Minority Welfare Department,
State Government/UT Administration of ………….

Subject: Extension of last date for submission of applications under the Schemes of Pre-matric Scholarship, Post-matric Scholarship and Merit-cum Means based Scholarship for students belonging to the minority communities for the year 2015-16.

Madam/ Sir,

I am directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter of even no. dated 09.03.2015 and 09.07.2015 conveying physical target for Fresh Scholarships and time-line activities for the year 2015-16 under Pre-matric, Post-matric and Merit-cum-Means (MCM) based Scholarship Schemes for students belonging to the notified minority communities.

2. It has now been decided with the approval of competent authority to extend the last date for receipt of applications from students by States/UTs upto 15th October, 2015 for all Scholarship Schemes.

3. You are requested to give wide publicity to the extension of the last date for submission of applications under Pre-matric, Post-matric and Merit-cum Means based Scholarship Schemes. The extended timeline activities under above schemes are as under:

Pre-matric Scholarship Scheme (Fresh cases only):- Time-line (if opted offline by State/UT):

S. No.ActivityDate
1Communication of target to States/UTs by the MinistryBy March, 2015
2Publication of advertisement by States/UTs inviting the application from the studentsBy April, 2015
3Receipt of applications from students by States/UTs scrutiny by institutions/ States/ UT Administration15th October, 2015
4Submission of scholarship requirement by the States/UTs to the Ministry23th October, 2015
5Release of scholarship amounts to students through DBT Mode24th October to 10th November, 2015
6If State/UT fails to submit the proposals by such date; the funds due to that State/UT may be redistributed among other needy and deserving State/UT at the discretion of M/o Minority Affairs.

Note: When opted offline (from Class I to VIII), renewal cases have to be submitted by 31.08.2015

Pre-matric Scholarship Scheme (Both Fresh and Renewal):- If opted online:

S. No.ActivityDate
1Communication of target to States/UTs by the MinistryBy March, 2015
2Publication of advertisement by States/UTs inviting the application from the studentsBy April, 2015
3Receipt of applications from students by States/UTs scrutiny by institutions/ States/ UT Administration15th October, 2015
4Submission of scholarship requirement by the States/UTs to the Ministry23th October, 2015
5Release of scholarship amounts to students through DBT Mode24th October to 10th November, 2015
6If State/UT fails to submit the proposals by such date; the funds due to that State/UT may be redistributed among other needy and deserving State/UT at the discretion of M/o Minority Affairs.

Post-matric Scholarship Scheme:- Time-line (for Fresh & Renewal scholarship):

S. No.ActivityDate
1Communication of target to States/UTs by the MinistryBy March, 2015
2Publication of advertisement by States/UTs inviting the application from the studentsBy April, 2015
3Receipt of applications from students by States/UTs scrutiny by institutions/ States/ UT Administration15th October, 2015
4Submission of scholarship requirement by the States/UTs to the Ministry23th October, 2015
5Release of scholarship amounts to students through DBT Mode24th October to 10th November, 2015
6If State/UT fails to submit the proposals by such date; the funds due to that State/UT may be redistributed among other needy and deserving State/UT at the discretion of M/o Minority Affairs.

Post-matric Scholarship Scheme:- Time-line (for Fresh & Renewal scholarship):

Sl. No.ActivitiesDate (Fresh)Date (Renewal)
1.Advertisement for Post-matric Scholarship scheme for the year 2015- 16.28th April to 28th May, 2015
2.Submission of Online applications for fresh/Renewal scholarship by students.15th October, 201515th October, 2015
3.Scrutiny of online applications by Institute.20th October, 201531st October, 2015
4.Scrutiny of online applications by State/UT Administration.31st October, 201508th November, 2015
5.Generation of awarded list and submission of fresh/renewal proposals by State/ UT Administration.01st November, to 04th November, 201511th November, 2015

Merit-cum Means based Scholarship Scheme:- Time-line (for Fresh & Renewal scholarship):

Sl. No.ActivitiesDate (Fresh)Date (Renewal)
1.Advertisement for Post-matric Scholarship scheme for the year 2015- 16.28th April to 28th May, 2015
2.Submission of Online applications for fresh/Renewal scholarship by students.15th October, 201515th November, 2015
3.Scrutiny of online applications by Institute.25th October, 201525th November, 2015
4.Scrutiny of online applications by State/UT Administration.05th November, 201505th December, 2015
5.Generation of awarded list and submission of fresh/renewal proposals by State/ UT Administration.05th November, to 12th November, 201507th December, 2015

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- P. K. Sharma
Under Secretary to the Government of India

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