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My employment details are as follows:
I have joined my present school as a Honours Graduate teacher of Physics and the result of my M.Sc. was not published by that time.
The date of joining is 09th December 2003.
After joining, as my result was published I prayed for up-gradation of my scale to Masters. As the final examination was over before I joined, the increment date was fixed on 9th February of every year, the date of the publication of M.Sc. result.
Under the new Pay commission rule, my present date of increment is 1st of July every year.
On which date can draw my increment for completing my 10 years of service?
Will my 10 years of service deemed to be completed on 8th December 2013 (the date of my actual joining)?
Please give detail explanation with the answer a I would be required to explain the same to my school authority.
Thank you.
Will my 10 years of service deemed to be completed on 8th December 2013 (the date of my actual joining)?
Your 10 years service will be completed on 8th December, 2013 and you will be entitled to get increment on 9th Dec, 2013. . It is clarified vide G.O. No. 30-SE /5B-1/2009 dated 10.02.2010.
Thank you very much for your reply.
I have said the same to my school authorities, but according to them I can not avail two increments within 6 months. As I shall be getting my usual yearly increment on 1st July 2013, I can not get my 10 years increment on December 2013. Is there any rule like this?
The following clarifications have been made in Rule 3 of G.O. No. 181-SE /5B-1/09. Dated, the 8th October, 2009 in the link ibid.
3. Fixation of pay of the employee after obtaining non-functional movement (18 year’s benefit) or non-functional increments (10/20 years of service) and other issues :
(i) The Finance Department , Government of West Bengal in its Memorandum no. 2728-F dated 7th April, 2009
(Para-2) has clarified the matter as follows :-
1. In the case of non-functional movement (18 year’s benefit) or non-functional increment (10/20 year’s benefit) an employee may opt for the same on the date of entitlement or on the next 1st July, the date of accrual of annual increment.
2. In case the employee opts for the benefit on the date of entitlement he/she will get one increment on that date, but he/she will not be entitled to next annual increment on the next 1st July unless he/she completes 6 months of service. In other words – if the date of entitlement falls during 1st July to 1st January, the employee after having the benefit of one additional increment, on the date of entitlement, will get annual increment on the next 1st July, but if the date of entitlement falls during 2nd January to 30th June, the employee after having the benefit of one additional increment, will not be entitled to the annual increment on 1st July of the same year; he/she will,however, get the annual increment on the 1st July of the next year.
Please have a look at the highlighted portions.
As your date of increment falls between the period of 2nd July to 1st January, you should get the increment on the same date of entitlement i.e. on 09-12-2013 and your next increment will fall due on 01-07-2014.:cool:
Regarding C.A.S the G.O. No. 181SE /5B-1/09 dated. 08.10.09 several question have been rise from different quarters. That is why this order has been clarified vied G.O. no. 30-SE /5B-1/2009. dated. 10th February, 2010. A clear idea has given here.With regards.
Thanks for your reply my dear friend (Sri Pal). I have already mentioned that G.O. regarding clarification. Now lets see whats that G.O. says.
Clarification No. 2. Whether the benefit will be available on the date of entitlement or on the date of usual increment on the 1st July of the year?
Ans: Since the benefit is linked with option for fixation of pay on the date of entitlement or on the date of annual increment on the 1st July of the year, such fixation of pay for the non-functional benefit will be strictly guided by the principles laid down in para 3 (i) of the Memo No. 181-SE , dated 08.10.2009.
As such, we are bound to follow the G.O. No. 181-SE , dated 08.10.2009. I hope its clear now.
Thank you so much for the explanation, I shall discuss the same tomorrow at my school and let’s hope that the authority will see the reason…
Thank you, the issue seems to be resolved.
Glad to know that and also glad to see you happy