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To prevent disparity in pay of senior and junior employees, a provision of protection of pay is present in Rule 55(4) of WBSR. Not applicable for wrong option. https://wbxpress.com/pay-protection/
I am employee in central PSU.Grop B cadre.Joined in 1984 under CDA pattern.Promoted in same group in 10/2001 drawing salary under CDA pattern up to Nov,2011,in reference to Supreme court orders Dt.3.5.90 all PSU employees promoted after 1.1.89 were entiltled to IDA pattern of pay scales,hence i also shifted in IDA from Dec,2011.
Whereas my friend appointed in same capacity in1989 was in IDA pattern from begining,he was promoted in 2002 drawing salary in IDA pattern.
As on date his basic is 2 increments more than me. My fixation in IDA pattern has been made from 10/2001 from the date of my promotion after 1989.
Please clarify whether this difference is justified under constitution or i have any remedy for stepping up.
the pertinent question arises, is your friend is junior of you? (in the sense of date of joining at the same cadre).
I was appointed as Assistant Professor in the scale 12000-18300 with basic salary protection of Rs 14520/-as i have drawn this salary for three years,after pay revision those who were drawing equal salary and those who were drawing less salary than me are now drawing more salary than me?Is it possible?
Sir,Im presently working as a block disaster management officer under a block for two years now.My question is that whether a block disaster management officer get promotion to the post of child dev. project officer(cdpo) under any promotional aveniew of dept. of relief and social welfare,govt.of w.b.?
I am working as Station Master in Railway with Grade Pay 4200 and after getting two increment my basic pay is Rs 15000. Recently I have been selected as Assistant Grade in Directorate of Enforcement under Finance Ministry with Grade Pay 4200, I want to join this new job. I want to know what will be my basic pay . Same basic pay or not
i am employee of Tamilnadu Govt. Under taking company. I am the senior in clerical cadre doj. 07.02.97. junior who have joined after 07.02.97 have got 3rd time promoted and fixed higher scale than me. My self was promoted twice only. but No Promotion policies framed by the departmental however if any govt. g.o.s will be followed some times company acting as whims and fancies and exercising discretion arbitrarily. what is the legal remedy to ask the company to fix the scale on par with junior.
i am working as assistant for 23 years in the agriculture department. Recently I was selected as post graduate assistant in the tamilnadu higher secondary schools through Teachers Recruitment Board.Now I am getting more salary than the fixation of initial pay in the post of post graduate assistant Is there any pay protection to get the higher salary
Sir, my colleague, namely Samatha working as Secondary Grade Teacher was appointed as Mandal Parishad Development Officer in Andhr PRadesh public Serive commission in Group-I Cadre. Her basi pay is lower than the present scale. So her pay was fixed in the minimum scale i.e., Rs.9520.
After regularization of her services, the Treasury authorities objected to do the arrear bills, by mentioning that her previous services were not added so far. FOr that reason her services will be counted from the joining as MPDO i.e., from 2007. Hence she is not eligible for subscribing the Provident FUnd, she has to subscribe the CPS and no pension will be awarded to her in future.
But she is in the same Department, and continuing the same Service BOok since joining of service.
SO I request you to please clarify in this matter and post any rules relating to this issue.
I am an Inspector of Police of West Bengal Police. promoted on 23.9.2004( 1983batch). Now some officers of the same rank promoted during the year 2007( 1986 batch) are getting promotion in higher rank on reservation quota. Am I eligible for getting pay protection