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Sir, I am an employee of PSU and have been promoted from Non-executive to Executive Cadre recently. In non-executive cadre my basic was Rs.42303/- but after joining in Executive cadre, I have been fixed on Rs.32707/- as per company’s scales of pay for Executive Cadre, though I am getting total salary ( Basic + DA ) more than the non-executive cadre.
My question is that can a company reduce the basic pay of a employee after promotion from non-executive cadre to executive cadre
Can anyone provide me the following G.O.’s which are related to the “Protection of pay of teachers on movement from one non Govt. college to another”.
1) 186 Edn (CS) dated 17.3.2003
2) 627 Edn (CS) dated 17.6.99
3) 687 Edn (CS) dated 19.3.90
4) 186 Edn (CS) dated 17.3.93
5) 823 Edn (CS) dated 10.11.94
6) 587 Edn (CS) dated 21.5.90
Thanking you in anticipation.
I am working as BRTE in SSA from 22.10.2010 through TRB with PB 9300-34800+Gp 4600. My qualification is M.sc B.Ed and my current pay is 16120 including grade pay. Now i am selected for PG Asst By TRB exam. What is the pay and salary for my PG Asst post?
sir, self and my junior both were in job on 1.1.2006,belongs to same cadre and rank,drawing same basic as on 1.1.2006 but junior got the benfit of mof order no.10/02/2011-E.III/A dated 19th March and so his basic pay became more than me(drawing more pay than me wef 1.1.2006 ) Self retd. on 28th feb.now shd I write my dept. for stepping up of my pay at par with junior.tks.
shall a teacher,who has served in a madrasa for 14 years get service continuation in west bengal school (joined through ssc) & also get pay protection? (joined in the same scale) plz mention if there is any g.o
I am a Govt. Officer in District Level. It has been found that some outsiders being junior to me joined in our dept. in the Sub-Divisional Level Marketing Officer but they are now promoted to two step ahead then me and enjoying more pay benefit on the ground of Caste and departmental exam. although they have joined with me on the same time on the basis of Competitive Exam, at PSC organized by Directorate of Marketing. Some of them posted in the same area /H.Q. year after year but I have been transferred to Hill area thrice in 2 years. Although I had have to perform all tasks almost equal responsibility but with low pay. deprived from higher post and prize posting.Please let me know the solution and procedure for social justice .
Nirmal Kumar Saha,A.M.O(Admn.),Darjeeling.
I am currently posted under Directorate of Health through PSC and appeared KPS exam (under agriculture) through proper channel and got selected. I have completed five years’ service in my current post but would like to migrate to KPS (Krishi Proyukti Sahayak). Now, my question is how and where can I draw my current salary/pay continuation/ pay fixation.
It may be noted that as a new candidate a KPS will have to undergo 6 (six) months stipend paid training. In that case I would like to surrender my stipend and draw my current salary. Can I avail study leave and undergo training
Pls reply….somnathds@gmail.com
My date of joining 25.04.2005 as L.D.A. in Secretariat . Another’s date of joining 25.09.2005 as Typist. On 12.12. 2008 the Typist is L.D.A. in Secretariat Cadre. He is junior to me as per date of joining at the post of Typist and L.D.A both. He is U.D.A after getting C.A.S. benefit . But I become U.D.A without availing C.A.S benefit.So the said junior U.D.A. is drawing more pay amounting Rs 320 in basic than me. In this case, am I eligible to get Pay Protection in respect of said junior U.D.A. ?
Yes, you should get pay protection. We suggest you to create a thread at https://wbxpress.com/forums/ in detail so that experts may advise you in this regard. Thanks.