
T.R. Form 7C for depositing money for GPF

Finance, ,

The existing TR-47 schedule for transfer of money for Provident Fund from the Pay bill submitted by Drawing and Disbursing Officer shall continue to exist as usual.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 1560-F(Y) Date: 14/03/2018


Sub: Introduction of New TR-7C challan for depositing money for State Provident Fund (GPF)

At present the Provident Fund (GPF) Deposits under Major Head “8009-State Provident Fund” are made through TR-7 Challan in Bank as per WBTR-2005. As the existing TR-7 Challan is of general nature, it does not have the scope to provide some specific information which is required for proper maintenance of GPF accounts by the Accounting Authority. Thus the matter of introduction of a separate challan for deposits made under Major Head “8009-State Provident Fund” was under active consideration of the Government from some time past.

Therefore, in exercise of the power conferred by clause (2) of Article 283 of Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased to introduce the new TR Form No. 7C attached herein

(a) For depositing money in the bank under Major Head “8009-State Provident Fund” or

(b) For transfer of money from deposit accounts to Major Head “8009-State Provident Fund”

Other provisions regarding preparation and submission of challan as stated in Chapter-3 of WBTR-2005 shall remain unchanged. The existing TR-47 schedule for transfer of money for Provident Fund from the Pay bill submitted by Drawing and Disbursing Officer shall continue to exist as usual.

This order shall take effect immediately. Necessary amendment in the West Bengal Treasury Rules shall be made in due course.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 1560-F dated 14.03.2018, Source