
TA Rule – Journeys in Higher Class Accommodation

Finance, 👁️ 455

If a Government employee travels in a higher class of accommodation by air, rail, ship, bus etc. the reimbursement shall be limited to the fare of the entitled class of accommodation only.

1.1 Revised classification of the Government employees in pay ranges:

A. In supersession of rule 22 of the West Bengal Service Rules, Part-II and Finance Department memo No. 5299-F, dt. 1.6.90, for the purpose of travelling allowance Government employees will henceforth be grouped into the following number of pay ranges:

Group No.Pay Range
IRs. 16,400 and above
IIRs. 8000 and above but less than Rs. 16,400
IIIRs. 6500 and above but less than Rs. 8,000
IVRs. 4,100 and above but less than Rs. 6,500
VBelow Rs. 4,100.

B. The members/ incumbents of the following services/ posts shall be deemed to belong to such Group in terms of pay range as mentioned hereunder irrespective of the pay/ consolidated pay drawn by them:

(a) The members of Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service, Indian Forest Service will be included in Group No. II in terms of pay range irrespective of the pay drawn by them unless they are already included in Group No. I on the basis of their pay.

(b) Confidential Assistants to the Chief Ministers and Minister of State, Political Secretary to the Chief Minister will be included in Group No. II except for the purpose of daily allowance, which will be regulated by separate order.

(c) The Jamadars of the Eastern Frontier Rifles will be included in Group No. III.

(d) The Motor Drivers (Special Cadre) exclusively for the Ministers and the Attendants to the Ministers, the Ministers of State or the Deputy Ministers will be treated as belonging to Group No. V.

1.2. Travelling allowance for undertaking journeys in higher class of accommodation:

A Government employee performing a journey for which travelling allowance is admissible is required to travel by the class of accommodation to which his pay range entitles him. However, if a Government employee travels in a higher class of accommodation by air, rail, ship, bus etc. than one by which he is required to travel under the rules, the reimbursement shall be limited to the fare of the entitled class of accommodation only.

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